This is the second book with FF7 and FF8 for Domlee! Enjoy my Fasters! Please read Let's Take a Little Ride first.
Book 1: Let's Take A Little Ride
Book 2: Just Ride
"Everyone is here but madrina Cara and padrino Han, he's a little sick so they had to stay home." I told her.
"Will we see him soon?" she asked.
"Hopefully baby, madrina told me he was feeling better."
"Momma what's this?" she asked me, pulling at the bandage on my shoulder.
"Don't touch that baby, momma got a little hurt there and a few other places but I'm better now that I'm with you."
"I'll take care of you momma." she replied, kissing the bandage.
"Let's go say hi . . ." I started before she jumped out of bed and ran off.
With a laugh Dom and I got out of the bed and followed her shouting to the kitchen. I just have to laugh at this point, she's got everyone wrapped around her little fingers.
"Uncle Ro! Uncle Tej! Padrinooooo!" she shouted when she saw everyone.
"Bree bear!" Brian shouted back, picking her up with a happy Jack already in his arms.
"Mando thank you so much! Gracias hombre, por cuidar a mi bebe." I told him.
"You guys are family, you will always have a safe haven here."
"Who's making breakfast?" I asked.
"You are." everyone chorused.
"Well damn, the least you can do is let me enjoy my return." I complained.
"Don't worry, I knew that you would all be tired so I had breakfast taken care of already. It's all being set up in the garden." Mando said.
"Eres el duro Mando." I told him, picking up my daughter who had her arms outstretched to me.
"You guys go get comfortable. Pick a room, take a shower, change your clothes, the food should be ready by then." Mando informed us.
"That works for me man, how long can we stay here?" Roman asked.
"However long you want my friend." Mando replied.
"Watch him, he has sticky fingers." I told him.
"Damn, you gotta do me dirty like that Kaylee?" he sighed, making everyone laugh.
"Momma can we get into the pool?"
"Later baby, momma needs a shower and some food. We'll have breakfast and then after we settle our food we can get in." I told her.
"Will you get in with me? You too daddy?" she asked excitedly.
"Yeah sweetie, both of us will get in with you." he said.
Everyone left to take a hot shower, something that was highly appreciated. I pulled on a new bikini; white with blue patterns on the top and bottom, a white coverup with crochet details on the sleeves and a cute body chain. When I got out of the shower to get dressed I walked into the room in my towel so Dom could hop in, he saw my outfit when he got out.
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