Chapter 6

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"Deckard Shaw." Dom said.

"British Special Forces assassin. The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing." Hobbs replied.

"Black Ops boys." I muttered, holding onto the photo.

"Worse. They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually they decided that he was unnecessary. The powers that be felt that he knew just a little bit too much; the asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him."

"And they missed." Dom said.

"That was six years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since."

"Until now. How do we find him?" I asked.

"The official answer is, you don't."

"He almost killed Han. Almost killed my family, you're niece and grandniece." Dom argued.

"He also tried to put me in a body bag too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to both of you is to stand down. Especially you Kaylee."

"Now you know I can't do that." Dom said.

"Neither can I, I have to look out for my daughter's safety. Cara's a wreck in Tokyo too, it's not gonna happen."

"Sadly enough I do know. Which is why now I give you the brother-to-brother and uncle-to-niece answer; you do whatever it is that you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch just do me one favor."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Don't miss."

"Let's go change clothes and call Mando." I said as we got back into the car.

"Yeah, let's do that." he said, taking my hand in his.

After we changed clothes we sat in the living room and called Mando to make sure that everything was okay. I pulled my cell phone out and dialed the familiar number.

"Hey Mando, llegaron bien?"

"Yeah, yeah, they're here. I picked them up myself at the airport. Hold on, your sister." he said.


"Yeah Mia, we're here. How's it going there?" I asked, putting the phone on speaker.

"We're at Mando's, this place is like a fortress. You should see Brian, he's in full FBI mode. He built a surveillance hub in Mando's garage and everything. What about you two? Did you find out who's after us?" she asked.

"Looks like the sins of London have followed us home. How did Buster take the news?" Dom asked.

"I can't tell him. If he knew about the baby, he'd stay here with u and with all that's going on, you're gonna need him by your side. Just watch out for him and Kay, keep them safe and come home together." she said.

"Of course." I replied.

"Tell Brian we'll see him in LA in two days." Dom said.

"Where are you going?"

"Tokyo, we're bringing Han and Cara home." I said.

"Be careful."

"Always." we told her.

We had a friend drop us off at the airport and then it was just a waiting game. Took us an hour waiting to board the flight and then flight itself was almost 12 hours. My nerves are frayed, I don't know how to tell Dom what I need to tell him because I don't know how he's gonna take it.

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