1 Loving you was young, and wild, and free

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The thick smoke emitted from the stove was sucked into a glossy black exhaust fan attached to the ceiling. Taehyung took off his apron and turned the switch for heat, distinguishing the fire. He wiped a drop of sweat that was making its way down his forehead and left the kitchen with soft feet.

The doorbell warned him of what's to come, it's repetitive noise sinking into Taehyung's bones.

'He's impatient today.' That could never mean anything good.

He stopped in front of the large double door and stared and the knob, plastered with gold paint.

It took Taehyung three tries to get it open.

Jungkook stood on other side holding a brown briefcase and wearing a dark blue suit. His hair was messy, probably from the strong, fall winds that have invaded their neighbourhood last week, and the expression he carried was neat, emotionless, but with just a hint of irritation stringed through.

He stepped inside, gave Taehyung half a glance, before shrugging out of his jacket and shoving both that and his briefcase into his arms.

"Go hang this up." Jungkook's voice was controlled when he was talking to him, and avoided his gaze.

Taehyung hugged Jungkook's jacket tight and relished in his scent. He was used to this kind of treatment from Jungkook, he thought, he was sure he was.

Then, the timer sounded, and the smell of a warm meal made its way to the door.

Jungkook, who was in the middle of going up the spiral staircase, stopped in his tracks, body tensing. An awkward silence filled the room, and Taehyung swallowed his hesitation and common sense before saying.

"Would you like to- like to have dinner with me?" He stopped there to consider how stupid he was for asking this, they haven't had good meal together in 2 years. Jungkook turned around in a stiff motion, and abruptly a serene smile took over his face that was too rigid to be anything but mockery. He walked, one step at a time, down the stairs and towards Taehyung.

Having had experience of what it means for him when Jungkook puts on that expression, he started to babble, while shrinking into himself at the same time.

"I mean- you don't have to if you don't want to- that is- I made chicken teriyaki. You like chicken teriyaki right? I thought-"

Jungkook slapped him, hard.

Taehyung have been anticipating it, and was prepared, but the strength of the blow still sent him backwards 4 steps and into a wall, his head bumping into a photo frame. Jungkook still had that calm expression on his face, and seemed to have found all this extremely entertaining, because he started to chuckle.

"I don't recall you being able to cook, didn't you have maids that did that sort of thing at home?" The insult was salt on a bleeding gash. Taehyung knew Jungkook knew he hated being reminded of his coddled childhood.

"I-I learned." He looked down, he didn't want to look into those dark brown orbs, eyes that held so many memories.

"Huh." Jungkook led the mocking look fall from his face and replaced it with a cold stare that Taehyung was now used to. He then looked at his hands, as if questioning the fact that those hands might be able to conjure up something better tasting than his own shit. Taehyung balled them into tight fists and told himself not to cry.

'Wait until he leaves.' He was determined.

Jungkook got annoyed when he saw tears brimming Taehyung's eyes, and took the chance to leave him just standing there, still clutching his jacket, while escaping himself into the safety of his study.

After Jungkook left, Taehyung finally let the tears fall, one at a time they started to run down his cheeks, racing to get ahead of one another and dripping onto the fabric of Jungkook's jacket. He wiped them away, the jacket was really expensive.

Taehyung put down the briefcase.

'Good, Jungkookie didn't see me cry, he said I looked ugly when I cry.'


Hi everyone! So, while I am writing my other book, I will be going through this one and rewriting some of the chapters. tbh through out this whole experience I have wanted to shoot myself a bunch of times because WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!!!??????? Anyway, I hope this newer version is a little less cheesy and a bit more like I know what I'm doing. I have decided to make Jungkook a little less 'aggressive' I would say and a bit more cold and distant, because it works better with the story I think. And, for anyone new to the story welcome!!! This is my first writing project so it is very shitty, but try to pull through cause I think the later chaps are a bit better. You might kind inconsistency in Taehyung and Jungkook's characters because I might have not yet finished all the rewriting at the time when you are reading this. But you can see where I am at by looking for song lyrics in the titles, then that means I have rewritten that chap already.

Thank you everyone for reading! Please comment and vote because that means a lot to me. I love you guys so much! <3

Stupid in Love. II VKOOK II ABUSIVE JUNGKOOK II SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now