Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet

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After I have cleaned up the dishes, and my face, I went to prepare Jungkook's evening coffee. I'm always really excited about this, because its the only time that I can get Jungkook to take something made by me. 

Its the least I can do, he works so hard and I really want to help him focus better on paper work, even though he doesn't know I actually made the drink for him.

With coffee in hand, I walked up the stairs.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 

He didn't look at me.

I cautiously walk over to his desk and put the drink down, quickly retrieving my hands, afraid of anything he might do.

Jungkook stared first at the coffee and then glared at me, I haven't seen so much hate in somebody's eyes for so long. 

He took a sip of the drink and cleared his throat.

"This is good, at least I have some actually useful servants in my house other than lazy sluts like you."

Even though his words hurts like hell, my smile grows wider as he took more sips from the coffee made him.

"Why are you smiling?" Jungkook asked.

I cleared my throat, I didn't want to seem like an idiot in front of him.

"Would you like anything else master?" I said looking down.

"I would like for you to leave my room, I'm not really keen on seeing your ugly face this late into the night."

I took a step back.

"Y-y-yes of course master."

Rewrittened Version:

There were other people in the house too. It wasn't just Taehyung and Jungkook sharing the space, other maids and gardeners came through often, leaving their presence around the place but always making sure to avoid Taehyung. Some of them didn't even know the full extent of his relationship with Jungkook. He was unsure if he should feel pathetic or relieved.

There were some familiar faces that always seemed to wander about. Jimin, who bought most of the groceries and worked with Jungkook at his company on, something. Taehyung was fond of him, a small, fluffy ball of joy with a hop in his step. There was also Namjoon, who Taehyung didn't really know and don't really want to. He was Jungkook's older brother, and though he was polite when forced into the same room as Taehyung, the tall man always put on his dark shades whenever he was near. It unsettled Taehyung, and he often wondered whether Namjoon disgusted by him. Or felt bad. The latter was worse.

The presence of other people coming in and out of the house meant that, on rare occasions, Taehyung could get away with minor things that went undetected by Jungkook.

Like right now, as he to careful notice to step quietly and steadily up the stairs of their living space and into the more hostile zone of Jungkook's sleeping quarters and study. Taehyung held a steaming cup of coffee in both hands, his palms wrapping around the exterior of the tall black mug. Jimin usually made the coffee for Jungkook, and Jungkook never questioned if the drinks Taehyung brought were Jimin made or Taehyung made.

He was stopped short in front of Jungkook's study, the closed door blocking from continuing further. He hesitated, wary of going in and being sent out again, and as he worried, Taehyung inched towards the door until he was nose to nose with flaking paint. The coffee was accumulating heat in his hands and without much else to do, Taehyung stepped back and grasped the doorknob. Carefully, he opened it in a crack, just in case Jungkook has something unpleasant planned for him, and cautiously peered inside.

Stupid in Love. II VKOOK II ABUSIVE JUNGKOOK II SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now