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This song is from a Chinese Drama that I watched. I love this song SOOOO much its so beautiful. The original book that the drama is based on is boyxboy and the fantasy and romance is so amazing. It contains a lot of ancient Chinese myths and the translation on Wattpad is glorious!!!!!! I highly suggest you check it out. The name of the novel is Guardian and the translator's name is @RainbowSe7en .


The rain was pouring outside but Taehyung just stood there, in the middle of the street, staring aimlessly at all the streetlamps and feeling the harsh drops of water on his face.

He had ran out of the house after witnessing Jungkook kiss the girl, it had just been too much for him. The years of disappointment and anger towards himself and Jungkook had finally broken free of his love for him and has pushed him off the edge.

"Why!?" He screamed as his knees gave out and Taehyung crumbled onto the pavement. He covered his face with his hands and shivered as another strangled yell left him. 

At first the words that escaped him still made sense, certain phrases repeated over and over again.

"So stupid!"

"Why doesn't he love me?!"

"What did I do wrong!?"

Then even the words became unrecognizable, just heart wrenching noises and harsh sniffles. The tears on Taehyung's face mixed with the rain and he tasted the oh so familiar saltiness on his lips.

His arms fell limply to his sides and Taehyung looked towards the sky, lips quivering. Drops of water fell into his eyes with a satisfying sting, anything to distract him from his broken, broken heart. Any physical pain is heaven compared to what his heart is enduring right now. It feels like someone is squeezing it, making blood ooze from the cut that Jungkook made 2 years ago, and even the overlapping stitches of false promises can't stop blood from flowing into the pit of his stomach, making him want to vomit on the ground.

If only if he was strong enough to end it all, to end his pain, to help his heart stop beating. It was sure better than the brokenness right now. But he was weak, he didn't want to die, even after all this. Taehyung still held on, because he loves Jungkook. He loves Jungkook. He loves Jungkook.

"What is wrong with me?" he whispered to himself, after all that he's done to me, how in anyway does he deserve my love? he thought. 

Why is my heart so stubborn? He thought again.

 Taehyung felt like his heart was programmed like this to torture him for some great sin he committed in his past life, to find the closest asshole that bribed him with cunning words and lies and then dedicate itself to that asshole forever.

The pain was starting to become too much, Taehyung was starting to have trouble breathing. He started using both of his hands to pound on the ground with all of his might. Tiny rocks and bumps on the pavement dug into the side of his fist and in a few seconds the grounds was stained with blood. But Taehyung felt nothing, just a distant, warm, tingle.

Then he heard foot steps behind him, he turned around, and there stood, Jungkook. 

He seemed to glow and his face showed the same smirk that he made in Starbucks all those years ago, when they first met.   


Taehyung's head spun around from the looking out the window at the people going about their business, and saw...

Stupid in Love. II VKOOK II ABUSIVE JUNGKOOK II SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now