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Jungkook stared at Taehyung's closed eyes and relaxed by counting the lashes on his right eyelid. 

They were sitting on a hospital bed, it's been 3 days since that confrontation at the park, 3 days since he got Taehyung back and Antoine Beaumont was arrested. The officers had rushed Taehyung to the hospital and Jungkook had followed behind like a lost puppy. 

He thought about holding his hand. It was just dangling there beside the bed, but he didn't think Taehyung would want him to, so he didn't.

Jungkook continued to stare at his eyes, trying to will them into the opening. 

Abruptly, the door of the infirmary opened and a nurse walked in. She wore the usual blue-ish scrubs required of all nurses, and had her graying hair pulled back into a tight bun. The expression she carried was indifferent, as if she had no interest in what she was about to say, but the tightened hands on her clipboard gave her away. 

The nurse glanced at Jungkook, up and down, with her head held high. She had the kind of eyes that made everyone uncomfortable. Jungkook was no exception. Then the nurse tilted her head and stared at where his hands were just hovering above Taehyung's and sighed. 

She placed her clipboard at the foot of the bed, right next to him, and walked right past Jungkook, leaning forward to inspect Taehyung. She took out a flashlight from inside her shirt pocket and examined his eyes. Then, she stared at the heart monitor next to the bed. The nurse did all this in one single motion and Jungkook frankly didn't know what to think. 

He was staring at her heels that looked to be made of stainless steel when she spoke to him in a tight voice.

"Are you family?" The nurse turned around to face him, clasping her hands in front, the stance of a flight attendant, he noted. 

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but a clump of saliva blocked his throat, he swallowed, and tried again.

"I- I am." The look on the nurses face unnerved him. She glanced at her clipboard. 

"Mister, Jeon Jungkook?" She asked.

He nodded. Speaking right now was still a risk that could result in some heavy voice cracks.

Her eyes were brimmed with pity as she said her next words. While her face was still solemn and unmoving.

"Mister Jeon, are you familiar with the plant hemlock?" She glanced at her clipboard again.

"Like- the poison?" Jungkook looked at the sleeping Taehyung then back at the nurse, daring her not to confirm his thought.

"Yes, good, " She pursed her lips and looked down at the clipboard again.

"I'm afraid that through the scan we ran on Mister Kim, he has been given a highly concentrated dose of this, " she sighed, then continued on, " of this plant in liquid form, and I assume you know the effects?"

Jungkook let his arms go limp, staring into empty space as he absorbed the information presented to him. The nurse, seeing that she did not get an answer, continued on talking to fill the overbearing silence.

"The poison had already set in when Mister Kim was brought to us, his respiratory system has already been affected, we will still give him the required treatment of course, but-" She stopped to study his face.

Jungkook was paper white. He sucked at the inside of his cheeks to prevent tears from leaking out. Again, he didn't know what to think. 

'Taehyung, he- he-' Jungkook didn't want to think.

The only thing that kept on being pushed to the front of all these jumbled thoughts inside of him was this.

 He led Taehyung down this path, no, he tricked him down this path.

It was him that charmed Taehyung into being his boyfriend because he desperately needed money.

It was him who was too much of a coward that he didn't even tell Taehyung his intentions when they got married.

It was him that reacted to his own guilt in the most horrible, messed up way possible, inflicting pain on Taehyung.

It was him who did not handle this situation with Antoine, it was he who let Taehyung get kidnapped.

"Is- is there any chance, any chan-" As he struggled to get the words out, Jungkook felt pathetic.

'No, there was no chance.' He knows the basics about hemlock, he knows what having it in your body for twenty-four hours would do.

"I'm sorry."

The nurse shook her head. She seemed to be at a loss of words, well, she knew the feeling of someone grieving for a loved one soon to be lost.

So she just handed the clipboard over to Jungkook, squeezing his hand in the process, and left him to his own heart.

Jungkook wished she had stayed, because now it was just him and Taehyung.

He looked at him, sleeping on the bed, as beautiful as an angel, and started to sob. 

"Don't forgive me," he couldn't stop. The tears kept falling out and when Jungkook was unable to control himself anymore, he clasped Taehyung's fingers with his own and held it to his cheek. They were soft against his skin.

"Please don't forgive me." Droplets of tears ran down Taehyung's hand as the cries became more heart-wrenching and words became muffled noises.

"Please- please don't." He stared at Taehyung's closed eyes. In his heart, in the darkest corner, he was hoping, for a chance, a chance for those eyes to open. He wanted, wanted-

"Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed, and then sniffled. His face was red from crying, and he choked out his next words.

"Kim Taehyung! Don't forgive me!" He stood up and let Taehyung's hand fall limp on the mattress, and then he pointed a finger at his face, while Taehyung's expression stayed as peaceful as ever.

"I want you to curse me!" His lips started to tremble, and Jungkook's eyes stung so much he had trouble seeing.

"Haunt me forever!" "You got that?!" "I want you to hate me, because-" He let out a shaky breath, "because you should." His knees buckled and Jungkook dropped onto the floor. His face painted with tear stains and arms limp beside him. And he stared at Taehyung. Stared at him for a long time.

8 hours later, the monitor became a line.

Jungkook's heart had died. And inside his cell, Antoine began to laugh.

Okay! SO this is the last chap for this story. I am very grateful for everyone who read my book and voted and I cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am for all of you. This is the first book that I have actually 'completed', so I would appreciate some feedback from you guys since I am writing a second book right now. It can be any kind of feedback, you can roast me if you want, you can say anything that you don't like about the book, I will gladly accept all comments. If there are some tips about writing that you think I should know, feel free to comment that too. There will be an epilogue but it won't be as depressing.

I love you guys so much!!!!!!!!

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