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Hemlock, The California Fern

'Just drink it and walk around until your legs begin to feel heavy, then lie down. It will soon act.' With that he offered Socrates the cup.

"Mr. Jeon, PD-nim, how nice it is to see you!"

Jungkook turned around to see fucking Antoine Beaumont sitting on a tree stump. His arms hugged one long, spindly leg while the other swinged back and forth, heel hitting the stump repeatedly. He was wearing a rain jacket the same colour of a cheap highlighter. In greeting to Jungkook, Antoine jumped off the stump and spread his arms, walking towards him as if requesting a hug, grinning brightly, all in a single, fluid motion.

"Where is Taehyung?" Jungkook tried to keep his voice calm, but when he looked at that blonde bastard all he saw was red. He looked around, searching for the sign of him, but there was no one else in the park that he can see. Jungkook's gut twisted, 'where was Taehyung?!'.

Antoine must have sensed his discomfort and in response led out a string of giggles. He covered his mouth with his hands and looked liked a total lady.

Jungkook was truly surprised no one caught on to the fact that he was crazy during all those interviews with H.O.D.

"PD-nim, Taehyung was having the time of his life, he really didn't want to see you, I had to drag him here with blunt force, he was incredibly unwilling." Antoine had a twinkle in his eye as he watched Jungkook's firm expression waver for just a moment.

Even though he was sure that this was just meant to trigger him, Jungkook was still plundered with guilt when he heard those words. 'Maybe that's really what he thought.' 'Being at home was probably no better than being kidnapped by a crazy person'

"Where is he?" He spit out through his teeth. Even though Taehyung might feel this way, he will still get him back, then he will sign those divorce papers behind his night stand and then Taehyung can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can go anywhere, away from this bullshit life, away from the house and Jungkook. He'll be free again, after everything he can at least grant him that wish.

'Then I'll retire and drink myself to death for the rest of my life.' Jungkook thought with a sigh.

"I brought the papers." He held up the folder he was holding. It contained several hand-written letters from Antoine's grandmother, one of the top dogs in the biggest mafia in Europe, specializing in marijuana production.

"Oh no. Those aren't really important." Antoine took a step towards Jungkook and led the plastered grin slip from his face.

"I know that you have them saved on your computer, it is not the actual letters that I care about." He took another step.

"In truth, having you here on today, was just to show you, PD-nim, that I, can do whatever the fuck I want."

"You made your threats, you had the power." Antoine leaned towards Jungkook, he could see the spit shooting out of his mouth, his usual grace gone.

"And I was afraid, I was so afraid of those threats." He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered, as if acting out a part in a play.

"But who has the control now?!" He growled the last word, and then returned to the default, serene expression he always carried around cameras and went as far as wiping the corner of his lips with a white handkerchief.

"I can kill Taehyung with one pull of a trigger, and leave you standing there to mourn him." He slowly reached from his jacket and produced a glossy, black pistol.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Jungkook lost all control at the sight of the gun, he needs to get Taehyung now. Then he can give the signal and let the police handle the rest.

Antoine gave a knowing smile and with one hand holding the handgun, he walked to the stump that he was sitting on, before crouching down behind it and dragging something, no, someone up with him.

Veins were visible on Jungkook's forehead as Antoine pulled Taehyung into a standing position, and after hissing something into his ear, pushed him towards Jungkook harshly.

His arms were tied behind him in elaborated knots, Jungkook suspected Antoine learned that from his childhood, and he could see that Taehyung's pupils were dilated and empty.

He stumbled a few steps, and if Jungkook hadn't caught his waist with one arm, Taehyung would have crumbled to the ground right after. As he pulled him close to his chest, Jungkook caught a glimpse of bruises down his collar, and bite marks.

Jungkook might have held on a little too tightly, and he thought of what he can say to Taehyung, but nothing came to mind. Instead he led the folder of evidence drop onto the ground and placed his free hand on Taehyung's head, feeling disgusted by how his usually soft strands of hair were now filled with dirt and grime. He looked to be half asleep, and didn't say anything either. There was a line of saliva that dripped down Taehyung's chin, and Jungkook wiped it off.

"So, PD-nim, now you have Taehyung, but what you didn't know, is that you're going to die today!" He pointed at Jungkook with glee in his eyes, and raised the gun above head. Strings of giggles poured out of his mouth and the sound eerily bounced around the park.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was done waiting and listening to Antoine's villainous monologue. He raised his own hand high and snapped his fingers twice. Loud and clear.

Suddenly, the previously vacant park filled with people wearing black uniforms and carrying pistols. They looked vaguely like ants, travelling in large groups of unified formation.

The officers separated into two groups, one creating a protective circle around Jungkook and Taehyung while the other surrounded Antoine. Yelling at him to drop the gun.

Antoine, who should be extremely distressed from currently being arrested, looked to be thrilled. His grin increased and turned the point of his gun to aim at his own head.

The uniformed officers, having been informed ahead of time that they will be facing someone who was not entirely right in his head, was not completely thrown off guard by his suicidal behaviour. They continued to shout as a desperate attempt to talk some sense into him. No one, however, was willing to go any nearer to restrain Antoine, afraid of becoming victim of his crazed state.

"I fed him the fern, he ate the fern!" Antoine shouted.

"You think cancer is cruel, well now's payback, the fern is much more quick than cancer, much more painful too."

Jungkook on the other hand, was not even slightly interested in what was going on. He stayed in his own circle of protection and sat down. Examining the wounds on Taehyung's collarbone and mumbling to himself.

"Come on, wake up, wake up," he cradled Taehyung's head in his arms and whispered.

"Jungkook!" Officer Lisa ran through the confusion crouched beside him.

"The ambulance is 2 blocks from here, we need to get him to a doctor." She spoke calmly, but her eyes darted around in static motion.

Jungkook simply nodded, and stepped away as Lisa waved to two people carrying a stretcher.

"Can, can I stay with him?" He said in a small voice, like he didn't have the right.

Lisa was already walking away and gestured at him to follow.

Stupid in Love. II VKOOK II ABUSIVE JUNGKOOK II SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now