1-The Runaway, The Bear, And The Castle

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Cerise tromped through the woods, unsure of where she was going. When she started out on her journey she knew exactly where she was. But now, the exhaustion was kicking in. She was dehydrated, hungry, sore, and tired. And it was all hitting her at once.

She took a look at her surroundings. Trees. Bushes. Twigs. It all looked the same. Everywhere she looked she saw trees and they all looked the same. She could be walking in circles and never realize it.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was lost.

Very lost.

How did all this happen you ask? Well you see, it all started at the graduation ceremony.

The day had stared off like any other day, and then it all went downhill. Cerise had managed to get out of signing The Storybook of Legends, but graduation was different. You see, once you graduate your destiny starts. Right then, no backing out.

Cerise had tried to go along with it, pretend to play the part. But, her destiny would not begin. Why? Because she wasn't meant to have that destiny. She wasn't meant to exist.

Her family secret was out. Soon everyone knew the Badwolf-Hood family scandal. Cerise was part wolf. She was a monster. A freak.

It didn't take people long to realize this.

It didn't take long for people to freak out.

Soon there were mobs of people with torches and pitchforks, ready to banish her and her family.

The more she thought she realized that they probably wouldn't have banished her.

They would have killed her.

Everything had happened so fast, if she wasn't prepared she would have been a goner. Her father had prepared the family for something like this years ago. The only problem was that she wasn't with her family. She was alone.

She didn't know if they were safe.

She didn't know if they were alive. 

All of these thoughts flooded Cerise's mind, leaving her as mentally tired as she was physically tired. She almost wished that the people would find her. An execution would be less humiliating than dying alone in the woods.

She carefully laid her body down on the ground. Her muscles felt as though they were on fire. She laid down flat on the ground, looking up at the sky. Her whole body seemed to ache even more now that she wasn't using it.

She slowly closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would overtake her. It didn't. Instead she found herself trying to imagine her warm comfortable bed at home. It was difficult to image this when she was laying on the hard ground. 

She stretched and propped herself agenst a giant boulder. She needed to get her bearings, try to figure out where she was before she got even more lost. She had to be somewhere deep in the enchanted forest, somewhere she had never been before. Nothing was familiar to her, not even the sent.


Cerise's ears perked up and her head moved toward the sound. Normally It wasn't an unusual sound-just a twig snapping- but it had been dead silence. Cerise felt her heart start to pond. She tried to calm herself down. Maybe it's not the angry mob, maybe it was something nice, like a cute little chipmunk. Yeah, a chipmunk.

A low sounding growl confirmed that it was in fact, not a chipmunk. Cerise felt a lump forming in her throat. She could sense movement from behind her. She carefully lifted herself up, just enough to peek over the rock. She gasp and flew back down.

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