7-How 'bout A Dance?

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Daring stood by the dance floor feeling lost. Thronecoming was the biggest party of the year, and he should be reveling in it. But instead, his mind wondered as he eyes gravitated toward a certain someone. She saw Cerise Hood standing in the corner, all by herself looking miserable.

Daring took and breath, gulped, and walked over to her. "Cerise!" He said a little too enthusiastically.

She looked up at him surprised. He could tell she was not excepting him. "Oh, hey Daring." She gave him a small smile.

Suddenly Daring regretted coming to talk to her. He had no idea what to say, he was actually nervous! 'Come on Daring, this is so unlike you! Pull yourself together!' He thought.

He nervously scratched behind his neck. "I-I-I just wanna say, that um, that I am, well, I'm sorry that I ever thought that you were a damsel In distress and you really saved us out there. So yeah." He smiled at her. She took note that it wasn't his blinding flashy smile. It was small and kind and sweet. It looked like Daring. She smiled at the fact that he stuttered and messed up his first sentence. She had never seen him like that before.

"Oh, thanks." Was all she was able to mutter out.

He reached out his hand for her to take with a goody grin on his face. "So, how about a dance?"

Cerise chuckled and pointed behind him. "Um, aren't there a few other girls ahead of me?" As if on cue a crowed of girls started cheering Daring's name.

Daring wished those girls could've just left him alone. All he wanted to do was dance with Cerise and they were not helping his cause.

He shifted his body to the side trying to block out the other girls. Cerise chuckled, because it didn't really work. Suddenly his expression soften and he smiled once again. "But I, I'd rather dance with you." He gently reached for her hand and held it.

Cerise looked down at her hand. Daring was holding it so gently, like it was a delicate flower. She looked back up to him. She could sense that his intentions were pure. She could see the sweetness in his eyes. She felt her cheeks go red, she prayed that he didn't notice.

She squeezed his hand and pulled him out into the dance floor. At first, he was stunned from the sudden action. But, as soon as he was dancing with Cerise, he felt like home

Daring suddenly woke up

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Daring suddenly woke up. "It was just a dream." He muttered to himself. As he rolled out of bed he smiled to himself, thinking of that night with Cerise. Thronecoming was the first time Daring realized that he liked Cerise. Of course, at the time he thought he liked her just as a friend. But now, Daring was sure he was falling for her. He figured that he probably had fallen for her a long time ago, he just didn't realize it until now.

He looked into the mirror, staring at his beastly form. He wasn't sure what would happen, would he stay a beast forever or would the spell be broken?

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