Chapter 2: A Genderbend Motive

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The next morning Shuichi was waken up by the morning announcements.

Monokubs: Raise and shine, Ursine!!

Monotaro: Man I can't believe Monosuke killed Monokid!

Monodam: . . . . .

Monophanie: I know and it was so gross, that it made me puke my stomach out. Anyway wake up and meet us in the school gym, Daddy wants to  see you!

Monokubs: So long, Bear Well!

Shuichi got up and rolled his eyes. He went to the bathroom to get dressed, brush his teeth, and then went on his way to the gym. But as he went outside of his dorm room, he saw Kaede, Rantaro, and Kaito.

Shuichi: Oh, hello Akamatsu- san, Amami-kun, and Momota-kun.

Kaito: Hey Shuichi! You know you can call us all by our first names, there are no need for formalities, we are all friends.

Shuichi: Oh ok, so can I do anything for you?

Rantaro: We were all headed to the gym and were waiting for you.

Shuichi: But you didn't have to so that.

Kaede: Nonsense, now lets hurry or we'll will be late.

After that everyone walked to the gym.

Kaito: Listen Shuichi you did a great job out there yesterday, you really saved our butts, but I have a question why didn't you tell us the truth sooner, when we all accused you and Kaede? You should of been more confident in yourself out there.

Shuichi: Oh, well I am not that good of a detective, and I don't always like revealing the truth. Like what if my deduction was wrong, or I missed something important, or I can't solve the case. I could of ended up hurting somebody or worse.

Kaito sighed and stopped. Then he hit Shuichi right in the face.



Rantaro: Kaito you are supposed to tell him before you hit him!

Kaede: Are you alright Shuichi?

Shuichi: Yeah I'm ok, b-but what was that for Kaito?

Kaito: That was for doubting yourself. Yo need to be more confident, you need to be a man!

Kaito's face lite up.

Kaito: Tell you what from now on you will be my sidekick, and I will take full responsibility for everything my sidekick does!

Shuichi: Your what?

Kaito: You're going to be the sidekick of of me, Kaito Momota Luminary Of The Stars. That means you wouldn't have to burden the weight of the truth on your shoulders alone. So what do you say?

Shuichi thought about it and gave a nod.

Shuichi: Sure why not?

Kaito: Alright, also we will need to do about 100 push ups every night for training, now RACE Y'ALL TO THE GYM!!!

Shuichi: Huh? Wait up Kaito!

Shuichi then ran off after Kaito.

Kaede/Rantaro: Hey guys stop running!

They all ran  to the gym, where the other 12 students were waiting.

Miu: What took so "Beep"-ing long Poo-ichi, Kae-idiot, Avocado, and Idiot of the Dumb!!!!


Rantaro: Sorry we are late. We were just waiting for Shuichi at the dorms. By the way where is Monokuma?

Right on cue Monokuma showed up in front of everyone.

Monokuma: So you might be wondering why I have called you all here.

Keebo: Yeah, we all are.

Monokuma: I'm here to give you the next motive!

Kirumi: Y-You still want one of us to kill each other?

Monokuma: Yep, yep, yep, it wouldn't be a killing game if the fun won't start, and you don't have a case to solve.

Kaede: No way!!! None of use are going to kill our friends!!!

Gonta: Gonta agree with Kaede. Gonta don't want friends to die.

Tenko: Yeah, Yeah, I wouldn't let another Murder occur, and I'll use my neo-aikido to keep Himiko safe.

Angie: Atua said that no one shall go to the afterlife in this chamber.

Monokuma: Anyway at least let me give you the motive, after that you can decide what you want to do with it!

Ryoma: Alright just give us the motive then.

Monokuma then held up a large bazooka.

Monokuma: Here it is pupupupu!


Kokichi: Or he is going to give us all a weapon to murder each other in cold hard blood.

Everyone was frozen in terror.

Monokuma: No no ... It is not the bazooka itself but what it does, and don't worry it doesn't blast anyone into pieces as smooth as Mondo Butter. It has an unique effect.

Himiko: Nheee ... what kind of effect?

Monokuma: Well lets demonstrate shall we? Now I need an example . . . . . Shuichi you're up!

Everyone looked at Shuichi.

Shuichi: M-m-me?

Before anyone could react Monokuma aimed the bazooka right at Shuichi, and then fired. A strong beam of light shot out of the bazooka and hit Shuichi. After the brightness stopped, everyone looked as Shuichi to find a weird surprise.

Shuichi's POV:

As the brightness dimmed, I opened my eyes, and sighed in relief. But then everyone was looking at me funny. Then I noticed my clothes were a little small for me, and that my chest was a bit bigger. After that a strand of long hair went over my face.

Shuichi: Hu-HHUUHH?


Hello, Padwriter14 here. sorry for updating late, I had to do quite a bit of work for school, and I had to think of some inspiration. But now that it is summer I can update more often and try to post a new chapter every Tuesday, if I am not when I am busy.

so please share this story and comment what you want to happen next and what stories /fanfiction should I do for the Danganronpa series. and please make it so that there are no swear words in your comments thank you.

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