Fem!Shuichi X Kokichi (Oneshot)

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Another day at Hope's Peak Academy, and the second Ultimate Detective was on her way to class, but she hear someone at the gate.

???:I know he enrolls here! So give him, up or I'll call the police!

It was a man in about his mid to late 30's, yelling at the headmaster of the school, Makoto Naegi. Who was trying to calm the man down, but no no success.

Makoto: Sir, can you please calm down? You are disrupting the students with all this yelling.

Man: Don't "Beep" with me, now handover Kokichi Ouma, or else I'll sue the school!

Shuichi Saihara sighed, as she knew her male classmate was up to no good again and got himself into a lot of trouble,

Shuichi thought "What has that idiot done now? This was the 31st time this month!" She sighed again until coming over to the school gate, the two men looked at her.

Man: Who are you Emo?

Shuichi: Hello sir, I am Shuichi Saihara, and I'm the Ultimate Detective. If you don't mind why are you yelling at our Headmaster? With all due respect you know you are at Hope's Peak Academy, correct, I suggest, you act more polite.

Man: I don't "Beep"-ing care what school this is, I am here cause Kokichi Ouma, vandalized my house.

Shuichi: Is that so, well why don't I help you? I can assist you in finding the truth.

The man thought about it for a moment, then smiled. With the Ultimate Detective on his side there is no way he could lose.

Man: OK little lady, you have yourself a deal.

In the next hour they got Kokichi from class, and to get the Ultimate Police Officer, Tsurugi Kingi(From Danganronpa Another/Fangame). Then they all went to the man's house.


Shuichi was doing some research on her laptop, when Kokichi was coming over to her.

Kokichi: Hehehe, Hey-ya Shuichi! Are you really going to push me under the bus? Cause i-if y-o-ou d-d-do then..... Whaaaaaaaaaaa.

Kokichi started to cry(Fake tears).

Shuichi: Calm down, I will reveal the truth, but I have to ask did you really do this?

Kokichi: I want to say I did, bbbbbbbuuuuutttttttt nope, I didn't do it this time.

Shuichi nodded in reply and then looked around the crime scene, there was a broken window with broken glass on the outside, a big spray painted wall, with the Dice logo on it, and a black and white checkered scarf on the floor. But when Shuichi checked the garbage can there were empty spray cans inside. Also there were fingerprints left behind on the painted wall.Shuichi then called everyone to the scene of the crime.

Shuichi: I have found out the truth of this case.

Man: Good, hoy pretty boy, take that monster into custody.

Shuichi: I agree, Tsurugi, take the man(I have no name for him), to court for the framing of an Ultimate student.


Shuichi: You mad a few mistakes, First of all if Kokichi broke into your house to destroy it, then the glass would be inside breaking in, not out.

The man was sweating really hard with his hands in fists.

Shuichi: Also I found used spray cans in your trash, they are not the same kind that Kokichi uses, and they seem to be the spray that is on the wall.

The man was turning bright red, with bitting his teeth so hard they were bleeding.

Shuichi: Another thing is that Kokichi only owns one Checkered scarf, which is the one he is wearing now.


Shuichi: THAT'S WRONG!

The man, stopped dead in his tracks.

Shuichi: This fingerprint tells the whole story, you spray painted your own wall, broke your window and planted that scarf to frame Kokichi. But you made a mistake you touched the paint when it wasn't completely dry yet, so if we compare this fingerprint to yours, then it is proof that you are guilty.

The man kneeled on the ground in defeat.

Man: Fine you win.

Makoto: But, why would he want to frame Kokichi?

Shuichi: Because, according to his files, he is in a huge amount of debt, and he probably thought that is he can sue one of the students of Hope's Peak Academy, then he can make an easy buck, and Kokichi, who has done similar crimes before was an easy target.

Tsurugi: You are going to be under the careful watch of the police for a while.


With the case closed, the man was arrested, and Shuichi, Kokichi, and Tsurugi made it in time for their 3rd classes. As Shuichi, and Kokichi met up with their classmates.

Kaede: Hey, Shuichi. Why are you both so late, you missed two class periods?

Shuichi: I had to help Kokichi with something.

Rantaro: Not again, was Kokichi up to no good again?

Kokichi: Nope, not this time Avocado Man!

Rantaro: HEY! Don't call me that!

Kokichi: Anyway I was framed by some mean old man, but Shuichi saved me, with her topnotch detective skills, and proved me innocent.

Shuichi blushed, and pulled her hat down, which everyone thought was cute(Especially Rantaro and Kokichi).

Shuichi: It wasn't that big of a deal, any detective could solve that case.

Kokichi: No no no, don't be modest you saved me. In faaaaaaact....

Kokichi smiled his mischievous smile, while blushing.

Kokichi: You deserve a special reward!

Without hesitation Kokichi took off Shuichi's hat, stood on his tippy toes, and kissed her on the lips. Everyone stared in surprise, except Rantaro who was furious. Shuichi blushed so hard her whole face was red. Kokichi released the kiss then walked, to his desk.

Kokichi(Whispering): I did it I kissed her, and I will make her mine.


Hi everyone, sorry for a late update, but soon we will have, the genderbend stories of Danganronpa 1 and 2. Yay!

Also in this story I included the Ultimate Police Officer, Tsurugi Kingi from the fangame Danganronpa Another, which is made from a korean developer, who also made Danganronpa Another 2.

Also if you want a part two to this, let me know. I love pairing Shuichi, with Kokichi and Rantaro, it is such a good ship. So sorry if this wasn't to your taste, comment what is and I will try to make it happen.

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