Scars / 3

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Paige arrived at Jackie's house with an over night bag with clothes a toothbrush and makeup. Paige hadn't had a sleepover since 5th grade She usually just hangs out with her boyfriend at the movies or the park, but nothing overnight with her friends.

"paige!" Jackie said as she opened the door and reached out for a hug, "come in! this is my mom."

"hey girlie!" Jackie's mom said with a welcoming smile.

"nice to meet you." Paige said coolly. Paige felt very tense even though those words came out carelessly. Why was she tense??

"Okay, Paige do you wanna go to my room and chill up there for a bit?" Jackie said anxiously as her mom left the room.

"sure." the tanner girl said a bit confused on why Jackie was so anxious.

They both made there way upstairs Jackie in the front leading the way, but behind her Paige was eyeing the girl in front taking in all of her features from behind, but she quickly averted her eyes with a small blush when Jackie turned around.

"You okay?" Jackie asked quickly noticing the tanner girl is blushing. Jackie can't help but smile to herself with she sees Paige stutter and find herself becoming even more embarrassed.

"uh y-yeah why wo-wouldn't i be? the tanner girl said completely embarrassed

"haha okay." Jackie held her hand out for Paige to grab. they interlocked their hands with some hesitation while Jackie continued to lead the way to her room. Paige admired how clean her house is completely forgetting that she is holding hands with a girl she barely knows.

They arrive to Jackie's room and they let go of each others hands and they both would be too embarrassed to admit they missed the warmth of each other that was coursing throughout their bodies when their hands were intertwined.

"this is my room." Jackie said immediately looking down as if she was nervous.

Paige roamed around her queen size bed dropping her stuff on the ground next the door, and Paige plopped onto Jackie's bed and Jackie laid down next to her, maybe a inch to close.

"soooo... what do you wanna do?" Jackie asked with a hint or nervousness in her voice.

Paige put her phone down after sending a text to her boyfriend that she couldn't hang out with him and she simply said "well i wanna know why you are so nervous." Paige said looking down at Jackie while taking in all of her facial features.

"oh yeah uh—..." Jackie stuttered and broke their eye contact.

"hey, don't be embarrassed."

"well i've never had a sleepover with anyone." jackie said trying to look back in paige's eyes.

"okay well you don't need to worry because i'll teach you everything you need to know." Paige said grabbing her laptop that she brought with her. Jackie was confused but she just went along with how things were going. "have you ever seen Love, Simon?"

"no we don't really go out to see movies that often." Jackie answered "what's it about?"

"well you are just gonna have to wait and see." Paige smirked and playfully punched Jackie's shoulder completely forgetting about the events that happened at school.

"ow." Jackie muttered genuinely hurt.

"oh man i'm sorry i-i forgot about those bruises." Paige said nervously as she turned to face Jackie.

Jackie rolled up her sleeve to show Paige the row of bruises that were freshly made on Jackie's pale sensitive skin.

Paige couldn't believe what she was looking at. Some bruises looked more fresh than others. "damn girl i'm sorry." Paige said carefully rubbing her fingertips along Jackie's arm.

"don't be, those dumb guys love to pick on me."

"have you told your mom?"

"eh no. i can't i have gotten used to this, but no one ever cares enough to do anything, and i juts met you and you have given me a reason to fight through this." Jackie said allowing a few tears to gently roll down her face, quickly wiping them.

Paige carefully rolled down her sleeve wanting to unsee everything she just saw. "can i see your other arm?" Paige asked wanting to know how much pain this girl actually faces.

"go ahead." Jackie lifted her other arm for Paige to inspect.

Paige rolled up the pale girls sleeve and found herself crying at what she was seeing. scars. "oh my god." paige traced the deep white scars with her fingertips wanting all the pain to be taken away from jackie. "i don't know what to say." Paige forced out in between sobs.

"i stopped a few days ago thank to you." Jackie said wiping her own tears from her cheeks then reaching over to lift Pagie's head up to meet her gaze. "don't worry about me. i'll be fine."

"no Jackie! i'm gonna worry about you because you don't deserve this!" Paige said slightly to loud.

The 2 girls found themselves looking at each other for what felt like forever, but having each other to be with is very comforting for both of them. Paige smiled weakly and returned her focus to trying to find a free version of the movie online.

"here it is!" Paige said pressing play immediately on her laptop. Jackie laid her head on Paige's shoulder and mumbled a quick thank you.

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