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Finally, you reached your class and the both of them show you, your sit. Many girls eyes are on you. Of course they are. You are walking with two hot guys in this school. You sat at the middle of the table. The both of them sit next to you at your left and right.

Guessing what that is their seats. So, isn't that a lucky day for you. Sitting next to the two hot guys in class every school day. "Don't worry. Ignore their gaze. They always be like that when we walk with random girls."said the person on your left. You smile and nod.

Then, a girl came toward the three of you. You lift up your head and shock look at the girl. Its Sana. The girl you just met a few minutes ago. She smile at you and say "wow. No wonder you look so familiar to me. Hi Y/N. We met again today. Its so nice to have you as my classmate"

you smile and say "its nice to have you as my classmate too Sana." Sana smile widely and sit in front of you. She then look at the guys next to you. She look at you and smirk.

"Well hello there. You are such a lucky girl here Y/N."said Sana. You furrow your eyebrows in questionable.

What does she mean by lucky girl? "You seem like you don't have any idea what I'm talking about. Well, let me explain what I mean. These two guys are Jimin and Taehyung. The right one is Jimin and the left one is Taehyung."said Sana in smile.

You look at the right you which is Jimin. He waved his hand to you and you smile at him. Then, the left one, Taehyung. The guy that keep smiling at you when you look at him. You look at him and he smile at you. You smile back. Its hard right, to be a shy person.

Sana then say "ok continue. For your information, there are three more empty seats in this class but the both of them choose this one for you. I don't know what they are up to but, you really are lucky. They never and never want any other girls sit here. Even beside them escpecially Taehyung. Many girls try to near him but he always being cool and sometimes, ignore their presence."

You nod in understood and say "but why? Why did they let me sit here?" Sana sighed and say "you don't get it aren't you? Okey let me tell you more. If Taehyung or Jimin agree that one of the girls in this class sits here, thats mean the girl that they agree on will sit here and boom. You will be famous from today."

You wided your eyes and say "but I don't want to be famous. I'm still new here."

Sana nod and snap her finger in agree. "You are right but still, you are lucky. Not most of the girls here can be close with them. But seeing them letting you sit here will make you become more closer to them. Trust me."Said Sana.

Taehyung scoff in purpose and say "thats enough of your story Sana. Its boring. Do you have any other story to tell her?" Sana rolled her eyes and say "I do. My story is A GUY NAME TAEHYUNG SHOULD SHUT UP HIS MOUTH." You laugh silently and watch the both of them. Taehyung make his done face.

"I'm done with you. Weird girl."said Taehyung cooly. He really is cool with girls. You just can smile. "What?! I'm not weird okey?"said Sana while place her both hand on her waist. "Shht" you look at jimin. He smile and say "ignore the both of them. They are weird."

"WE ARE NOT WEIRD!"said Taehyung and Sana in unison. Sana and Taehyung look at each other and rolled their eyes. You only laugh at them and yes, you already got three friends on your first day. Is that enough to you? Are you really think that they are your friend?

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