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You come in and saw a letter on your table just like the note said. You slowly approach the table and get the letter. You open the letter slowly with full of curiousity.

What is inside the letter? Is it a hate letter or something else? We don't know right?

You open the letter and read it.

Hi Y/N,
   I wrote this letter  because I want to be your friend even though you don't know who am I actually. Hehe but its okey. We can be friends. I always look at how beautiful you are. Where are you from actually? You don't seem like korean but its okey. Either you are korean or not, you are still beautiful. I hope you can be my truly friend forever.

From V

You look around as you feel like someone is watching you reading the letter. Actually, yes. There is a guy watching you reading the letter that V gaves. He is smiling and hide immediately once you look around. 

You look back at the letter and smile without being force. The bell ringing but you keep smiling like an idiot staring at the letter from V. Taehyung, the first person came in and look at you in weird.

He came to you and pat your shoulder slowly try not to make you jump in startled. You look at him and he say "what are you doing? Why are you smiling at the paper? Thats scary"

You notice it and hide the letter behind you. You said to him that it was nothing but he seems like he doesn't believe it. Since the other classmate came in, you quickly change the topic and say "hey. Did you do your science homework yet?"

Lucky you, his facial immediately change into cheerful and say "yeah I do. Why? Need help?" You smile and nod.

Who is V? How can you reply V's letter?

THE LETTER || KIM TAEHYUNG [C]Where stories live. Discover now