Chapter 2 | She's Dangerous

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"...a really bad state, man. We have no idea what happened to him. She could've attacked him!"

"You really believe he's in a state like that because of a girl like that?"

"I don't know, man. But did you see how many weapons that kid had on her? It's a safe bet she knows how to use at least a few of them, I'd say."

"Would you say?"

"Yeah, I would. What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, just find out as much as you can about what happened; Hershel needs the info and I've gotta go see if Daryl is awake yet then go see Lori. But Shane..."


"Be gentle, she's just a kid."

"Sure thing, brother."

The girl had slowly become aware of the muffled voices conversing as she regained consciousness. She first realised they were talking outside. Outside of what? Once her vision stopped swimming she could see she was in a shed. It was small, she was on the floor, they were outside the door opposite her slightly to the left. It was pretty dark but sunlight peaked through the gaps in the wooden roof.

The side of her head pounded and the skin there stung like a thorn in the foot. She reached up. Then she realised she couldn't reach up. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back around some kind of ring anchor. Great.

Only when the door creaked open and a hulking shape cast its shadow on her, did the girl realise it was the man from earlier with the shotgun who had been speaking to someone outside. Great.

The girl shuffled herself into a sitting position with difficulty.

"So you're awake," Shane said.

She made no reply.

"Let's start off at the beginning then: what's your name?"

Again she said nothing. She kept her eyes down.

By now the man was getting frustrated. It seemed he had a short fuse like her father.

"I'm only gonna ask nicely one more time. What's your name?"

"Why does it matter? You gonna get the sheriff to check for priors?"

He smirked and crouched in front of her, eyes level, face very close.

"So you got priors?"

"Not a one."

"Good girl. Let's go for something else then. How old are you?"


"What happened to Daryl?"

For a moment, the girl was confused. Who was Daryl? Then it clicked: the guy from the creek!

"Um, he fell off his horse down a bank into the creek. I was walking through the woods and this horse came pelting past me so I followed its tracks back to the creek and found 'im there. He was unconscious so I woke 'im up and took the arrow out and stitched 'im together again."

"Uhuh," Shane got up and sat on a box by the door, closing it and leaving the room back in near darkness. "Where'd the arrow come from?"

"His crossbow," she said like it was obvious. "Where the hell else would it've come from?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe your crossbow?"

The girl panicked. She didn't shoot Daryl, but this guy didn't seem like the reasoning type. It would be difficult to convince him of her innocence short of Daryl telling him.

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