Chapter 18 | Nothing Lasts

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[Hey guys, I want you to know that this is my favourite story I've written so far and I absolutely am continuing to write it, but I made the mistake of planning too far ahead and letting the story get away fro me a bit in planning. On top of that, with COVID and everything, this has been a really difficult time in terms of writer's block and finding the time to put together a coherent and engaging plot. Please bear with me as I now work 6 days a week and am therefore still finding it difficult to find the time to write but I am trying! Thanks so much for all your patience and support and enjoy this next chapter.]



The girl in question was a little startled but otherwise calmed quickly when she recognised Hershel's kind face and increasingly heavy facial hair. He was wrapped up in a big winter coat but snow still got caught in his beard. 

"You shouldn't be out here," Cass stated, turning back to the grey murk of the storm. She had been on watch since Daryl returned and dusk was beginning to colour the sky behind the clouds. "It's too cold."

The old man chuckled. "I could say the same to you, but I know you wouldn't listen."

Cass could not help but smile a little and consented for the former farmer to sit beside her as they watched the evergreens buffeted by wind and snow flitting between branches. Every now and then she would catch a whiff of pine or animal musk or even rotting flesh but it was gone just as quickly in the rapid gush of frigid air. They stayed silent for a few minutes – just listening to the sounds of winter – before Hershel finally spoke.

"Beth's fever just broke."

"That's good."

"Yes, it is."

There was another pregnant pause.

"She would be dead by now if you hadn't done what you did."


"No, she would have been dead by this evening. I have been preparing myself for what I knew was coming for the last couple of days but saved me from that suffering. Saved Maggie too. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for that. You saved my family from even more heartbreak and you saved my baby girl's life."

Cassandra looked over at Hershel's watery eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. He really was not going to just let this go until she got it. He began again.

"You should know your life means something to the group. When Daryl came back earlier and saw you were gone with no one the wiser to when you'd left or where you'd gone, he was so convinced that you'd left that he got on his bike to go find you. And, Cassandra, he had no intention of ever coming back if he found you and you decided you didn't want to. Maggie and Glenn were beside themselves when they realised an-"

"If you're just gonna lecture me about leaving then don't bother."

"That's not my point. My point is that we do care. We do value you, we do want you here and we do want you safe. You're not an expendable person, Cassandra, no matter what you might think." Hershel sighed then continued. "You should also know that Maggie went 'round collecting everyone's dirty clothes and she found your jeans and your shirt. I can only guess what happened but the simple fact that you put yourself in so much danger for the group proves how much you care too. No one wants you to go, Cassandra. This group would be poorer without you."

Cass took a second to gather her thoughts and curse herself for not hiding those better or burning them or something. The young girl felt suddenly quite emotional and simultaneously very reluctant to share that emotion. It was all she could do to give a jarred nod and a quiet, "Thank you." 

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