Day One

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Dear Diary,

Today was interesting to say the least. Me and Trent were supposed to be meeting each other at my parents' place, but he was running late. To be honest, I really like being with him. Of course, I do really want to focus on my sports, but having him be there just pushes me to do better. I want to make him proud of me. Anyway, he came over late that night. I was sitting there in my pale blue hoodie and striped black and white shirt, along with my jeans. I was starting to get really nervous if you want to know the truth. Something might have happened to him!

Just then, a knock came at my door. Lucky for me, my parents weren't home. They had gone on vacation in Wales for the next couple months. I ran up and flung the door open, still worried to death. And there he was. Trent (or as he liked to call himself, the future Mr Olsen) was there, slightly drenched from the rain. He had his hand behind his back. I didn't know what it was then, but I do now.

"Hey, babe. Sorry I'm late." He said with the same goofy grin as always. I brought him in and sat him down. "Care to explain why you were so late?" I asked-now realising that it was kind of stupid because of the rain. "Sorry, babes. I just had to stop and get you something sweet, so I got you a present."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, here." Trent replied, pulling out a small pot of chocolate covered strawberries put in a styled swirl.
"Where'd you get this?"
"I didn't buy it...I uh, made it."
"You? Make something like this? How?"
"I saw something in a magazine that strawberries help with sports or something, so I thought it'd help you. You should see our dorm room! I made a bit of a mess trying to get it perfect..."
"That's really sweet of you. Thanks, babe." I replied, pecking him on the cheek.

I don't like showing myself with Trent outside of just him and me. I'm scared I'd be kicked out of the football team! But when we are alone, I try my best to make him feel wanted. I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy.

Diary of a Jock-Kirby OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now