Random Preferences

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If I'm going to write a diary, I might as well make it personal! I wrote a bunch of questions down during math (because who pays attention who is not a nerd?) so I might as well write them down here.

If I had three wishes, I would...
Probably my first wish would be for me to be head of the football team, but I don't mind if I'm not. The second wish would be that I could go out and be proud of me and Trent's relationship. I don't really have a third wish. Maybe for Trent to clean our dorm room once in a while. Seriously!

What would I do if I had one million dollars?
Buy my own stadium! Olsen Stadium. Or...maybe Olswick stadium! It's a mixture of me and Trent's names!

If I was an animal, I would be...
I'm not sure. Maybe a dog or a wolf, because they are super fast at running, pretty cute and tough. Kind of like me. Maybe I'm just being stupid.

My most prized possession is...
I'd have to say this leather bracelet Trent got me. It's really special to me, but I don't wear it often. It has our names etched on it with a football on my name. It's really sweet.

If I could have one superpower, I'd have...
I'd want to be able to run really fast! Like, super fast! That'd be super cool and useful!

What are your pet peeves?
I hate when people don't turn off the showers in the gym all the way so there's dripping sounds, that freaks me out! It annoys me, just like when Trent doesn't help clean the room.

What person from history would you like to meet?
I'm not too much into history, honestly. But if I had to pick, I'd say I'd like to see the first football game in history, and meet the guy who won.

If you could time travel, would you?
I wasn't sure what I meant when I wrote this, like if I meant past or future. I'd probably do it for a couple years in the future, but not much after that.

What is your biggest fear?
Losing everything. Trent. The team. Everything.

What's your favourite holiday?
I like Valentines Day. Not exactly the giant heart balloons the size of Venus, but more of having a day where everyone can have a day for their lover when they usually couldn't.

If you could create the perfect day, what would the weather be like?
Rainy. I know that's kind of weird but once me and Trent were on a date and it was raining, and he started humming Singing In The Rain, and started to get me to sing along. It was pretty sweet and fun.

Diary of a Jock-Kirby OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now