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Toby pov

Stupid Slender

Stupid Masky

All ways raining on my parade, I can't do one thing without getting yelled at.

Sure, trying to spray paint all the doors in the mansion pink might have been a bad idea, but this time was totally uncalled for.

All I did was make a pizza, no big deal. I didn't burn anything. And there were like a hundred pizza's in the freezer.

I was currently walking in the forest, trying to clear my head.

I kicked a stone and it hit a tree.

The sound of rushing water filled my ears, as I started to make my way to the stream.

Sitting by a tree and watching the water. A memory soon came in mind, it was me and Lyra, we used to do this. Sit and watch the current.

Tears soon filled my eyes, and before I knew it I was crying.

I looked up the stream, when something caught my eye.

From what I saw it was a green blur. I wipe my eyes and head torwards it.

Grabbing my hatchet out of caution. You never know what might happen in a situation like this.

I was about three yards (nine feet) away from it.

This... Oh my gosh! I thought to myself

I start speed walking to the now somewhat recognizable person.

He wore odd cloths, a green tunic, green hat, and a pair of boots.

This didn't even cover the weird things about him.

His skin was a sickly pail, elf-ish ears, and blood seem to be coming from his eyes, that I might add was partly covered in blond hair.

There's got to be something special about him if he made it this far into the woods. Only pastas or mobs of people with an incredible will are even capable to do this.

I then decided to take him back to the mansion with me. He was only a little smaller than me so if I can't wake him up, at least I can carry him.

Now up close and personal I see that he is wet. Soaking wet. Wft happened?

I began to gently shake him.


Oh boyyy what do I dooo.

What if he's dead?!

I walked over to the edge of the bank to see if anything else was down there or how he managed to get here. It was a bit of a drop.

As I turned back it the boy, some dirt under my foot gave way and sent me tumbling into the water.

Just want I needed. I walk out of the water, pick up the also wet-elf-boy, and began my way back to the mansion. Because f this.

As I approached the mansion I notice Slender waiting, funny I always thought is was the other way around.

"Toby what were you think- who is that?" Slender asked pointing to the boy in my arms.

"D-dunno I *tic* found him b-by the stream." I respond and continue to walk towards the door.

"Well we better get him inside and see if E.J will help."

We walked through the mansion, up the stairs, took to rights, went straight, and knocked on his door.

He soon opened the door, his blue masked head popped out the door.

"What do you want?" He said in his usual melancholy voice.

"Will you h-help him?" I asked

He sighed and allowed me in, motioning me to put him on a metal table. Who tf has a metal table just in their room. E.J does that's who.

I did as asked and E.J began his inspection. Checking his body temperature, heart rate, and doing other doctor stuff.

"Well he's out cold and I mean that literally he has hypothermia, I suggest wrapping him in blankets and when he wakes up he will probably be hungry give him something warm."

Thanks doctor Jack, Antarctica thanks you.And with that I picked him up again and walked to my room.

I wrapped him in my comforter and rest his head on a soft pillow.

He was rather... cute.

After about an hour in, his blond head moved. It was just enough to notice though. One eye lid flickered open half way, but quickly shut and he nuzzled in to the blanket once more.

He reminded me of a cat. The way he snuggled into the blanket. Plus cats are... cute as well.

When I saw no sign of him waking up any time soon, I went back to watching Fairy Tale.

Almost everyone in the mansion either watches mlp (my little pony) or anime.

Almost everyone at least, Masky and Hoodie don't, they watch boring movies and they hardly even watch movies, their no fun, always working.

Another hour passed of me watching Fairy Tale and he began to stir again.

His back was facing me as he sat up blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He began to look around from the bed.

Eventually his eyes met mine.
His eyes, they were jet black with red pupils, blood still ran from them.

He jumped back clearly startled, but ended in falling off my bed. Thank goodness he didn't hurt himself. But like I wouldn't know...

I walk around to where he fell. I held out my hand. For him to grab. Nothing else, why else would I do that?

"I'm Toby." I say, a soft smile spread over my face.

He looked at me nervously, but soon realized I was no threat andand. took my hand.


I help him up and back on the bed. By now we were both dry.

"Well *tic* BEN you h-hungry?" I ask.

Man, I wish I didn't stutter or twitch.

He nodded his head 'yes' with happiness glittering in his eyes.

And five seconds later Slenderman stepped in with some soup, still steaming. How da fu-

BEN looked up in horror at Slender. (as anyone would) But almost instantly relaxed as though he knew Slenderman was no threat.

Once Slender left, BEN began to hastily eat the soup.

Once done he looked up at me.

"Thank you. How can I repay you?" He asked.

"You d-don't." I replie

"But you rescued me from the river, brought me to your home, and fed me? There has to be something?"


"I haz la questions." He said.

"Umm ok *tic* ask away." I responded

"Ok, why do you twitch?"

"I have Tourette syndrome."

"K, why do you where that mouth guard thing?"

"Heh, never really thought about that, but I guess to hid part of my face and I have a pretty bad wound there." Then I remembered I didn't have on my goggles.

He nodded.

"Ok, last important question; are you single? And whats your sexuality?" wtf kinda question...

"Umm well I um single and well I'm gay af."

Welp this is awkward.

And I probably lost all chances of anything with him.


(Ok I've started to edit this shit, woo. If you see any errors, tell me. This book is so cringy. I hate it)

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