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"BENNN." I was getting A little upset at this point.

"No, you can't make me Tobias Erin Rogers." He remarked.

This was two weeks after I found BEN by the stream.

"P-Please BENNY." I gave him sad puppy eyes.

BEN sighed in defeat.

"NO O-ONE CAN RESIST THE *tic* EYES!" I exclaimed loudly

He rolled his eyes and gathered his clothes to...

Take a shower

I hear the shower turn on and the sound it makes when someone was in it.

Good, I think to myself.

There was hasty knocks on my door. As I open it I see Jane and Jeff, probably want my advice on an argument.

"Toby," Jeff started, "Jane an I want your opinion on something."

This is weird, he's speaking softly. I nod for him to continue.

"W-We want to know if Jane an I should be a couple? And we have come to you since you seem to know best in this house and your the only one that cares."

I think this over, in the past I've helped these situations before. I blink and beckon Jeff in my room, leaving Jane.

"Jeff *tic* take g-good care of her. Got it?" I ask

"Thank you." Jeff said and hugged me. Jeff the killer hugged me. That's weird, even for being in a house full of killers.

Jeff left with Jane and I sat down on my/BEN's bed.

I've kept a journal of times someone has come to me for help or have a relationship problem, I give them advice or something, but I don't always give them what they want to hear.

The funniest thing though is that the match-maker, me, doesn't have a match, sure I have a crush on someone, but still.

BEN walked out of the shower with a hoodie, skinny jeans, and a beanie on. His blond hair damp and stuck to his face. He still reminds me of a cat.

"Hey Toby, your the match-maker right? Jk, um how do I get my crush to ask me out or how do I ask out my crush?" BEN asked

Why is this an on topic question and relatable to what just happened?

"We-ll, it depends *tic*on who they are, b-but in any case be yourself, because y-ou don't want them to fal-ll for a different you. And same with *tic* asking them out."

"Um right, what about you do you have a crush on someone?" BEN asked

"Ma-ybe." Was all I could say.

"WHO!?" He said rather loud

"Not s-saying." Yeah I'm not ready to tell anyone yet

"Fine, but at least tell me if someone has a crush on me? He whined.

"Yes, so-meone does, but *tic* I'm not allowed to say." I replied

"BEN, TOBY GET YOUR *SSES DOWN FOR BREAKFAST!" I hear laughing jack yell.

Then another voice chimed in.


"SHUT THE F*CKING H*LL UP *SSMASK!" A young female voice piped up.

"SALLY!" This time it was everyone

BEN and I raced down the stairs and to the dinning room where waffles and pancakes were set neatly on the plates.

Time skip

Slender, BEN, and I were all in the attic helping BEN train

Apparently he can go in and out of devices, like crawling out of the t.v. or a phone.

In fact he can use his game to help.

BEN was currently stuck in a old t.v. His head, shoulders, and upper torso were in the t.v.

Onthe other hand his hips got stuck. For the fact of BEN is THICC.

His legs went limp after a few.

And all Slenderman said was he got in he can get out then left.

I hear BEN from inside the t.v.

"Toby? You still there?"

"Yeah I'm still here."

"Help." He whined

I sigh and walk over to the t.v.

"Ok sorry if I offend you." I say

"WHAT-" Is all he could say before I grip his hips and tug.

We both fell backwards and BEN landed on my lap.

Both of us were panting. BEN lied his head on the crook of my neck and I lied my head on his head.

I wrapped my arms around his small body.

"T-Toby, I have something to tell you."



Alright so, please tell me if your loving the story

Also what do you, yes you reader, what do you think BEN is going to say

And all will be cleared in the next chapter.


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