bonus 3

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(Yeah, I said wasn't gonna update this anymore. But stuff changes. This is for sure the last chapter)

Approximately twelve years later

"JUSTIN! What have I told you about touching my hatchets?"

The small child simply just starred at his father, then down at his own feet, "not to do it."

"Oh, Toby dont be so harsh on him. From what I know when you first got your hatchets you couldn't keep your hands off them." A small elf like boy retorted, sitting on a bean bag chair. Another child sat next him, both were gaming pretty hard.

"Still, BEN, Justin is only eleven. Plus they could cut his hands off."

"They haven't yet," this time a different vioce spoke. It belong to a man sitting on the ground next to the second small child.

"Thanks uncle Jeff!" Justin said, at this point just to peeve off his dad.

Toby simply rolled his eyes, "Jeff weren't you supposed to be watching your kid?"

This made Jeff freeze, "Oh, phhhsh, Carlos will be fine."

Carlos was Jeff's kid, him and E.j. So far only them, Toby and BEN, and Zalgo have kids.

Carlos looks like Jeff, but has the monotone look like Jack. He is currently ten, however his birthday is soon.

(Screw logic)

Justin looks exactly like Toby, but has BEN's red pupils. If you couldn't tell he also has a thing hatchets.

Nicholas is Toby and BEN's second child. And the complete opposite of Justin. He looks like BEN, but has Toby's eyes. In all honesty they're like night and day. What one does the other doesn't. Nicholas is currently ten also.

And finally Zalgo's children. He has five. Five that he cherishes. The mother to his children is a cup OF RED JELLO


Toby was currently lost in space, thinking about the best way to just throw everyone out the window.

His thoughts were interrupted a childish scream sounded from the hallway. Jeff flung himself up from his seat and opened the door. Only to be met with a black suit, "I believe this one belongs to you?" Slender asked, bringing one of his many tendrils down to reveal a child.

"Hi dad!" Squeaked the small child. While giving him an adorable smile. Slender handed the child over to Jeff, "please keep an eye on him. Jack would kill you." Jeff nodded in response.

After Slender walked away Nicholas spoke up, "Hi Carlos, what did you do this?" At his remark Carlos just gave a creepy smile, "Noooting."

Now granted this child is adorable, but is a big trouble maker. I mean come on, he is the offspring of the best killer and a cannibalistic, eyeless, monster, who is also our medic. He is bound to bring some kind of greatness. He's also Slenderman's second favorite.

(Super unmotivated right now)

Slender's favorite however is Nicholas. Mainly because he's chill and has really good reflexes.

Justin, however, is extremely wild and hyperactive. The child can't sit still longer than three minuets.

Jeff, still holding Carlos, carried him over to where he was sitting earlier. As soon as Jeff set down the child, him and Nicholas started having a full blown conversation with each other.

It started turning dark outside as the sun went down. Toby stood up and walked to the window. Opening it and hanging out I bit. Jeff, Carlos, Nicholas, and Justin were still in the room with him.

"Guys, come on," Toby said as he climbed out of the window. Justin jumped up and crawled out the window second. Lil spider boi... The rest followed Toby as he climbed up the vines the led to the roof. Once everyone was up, they looked around. Everyone else was already on the roof.

Flashbacks soon hit them. It was like nothing changed. L.J was still being weird, but not only was he twerking. He was also dabbing. Jane and Clockwork were throwing rocks, E.j was laying on the roof curled in a ball. He caught sight of Jeff and run up and hugged in. Their kid also joined in the hug. Slender was standing back, looking like a proud dad.

The Rake and Zalgo were surprisingly here too. Zalgo had his five Jello children. And Rake looked like he wanted to die. Hoodie, Masky, and Sally were all standing around talking. Here lately Sally had been joining the conversations those two had. It's weird.

As the darkness consumed the area around, everyone looked toward the sky. It was a clear night, the stars were visible. Making this a perfect night. Toby and BEN's children sat in between them. It looked like one of those happy family photos.

Suddenly the night sky was lit up. Meteors showered over head. This was the reason the pastas were on the roof tonight. To spend time together and watch the beautiful showers.

Toby hugged his family closer. How did he ever get this lucky, to have the love of his life and two beautiful children here with him?

After all the pain and suffering, came joy and happiness.

There truly is a rainbow after the storm.

It was like a fairytale with a happy ending.

A dream come true~

(924 words. This is truly the last chapter, no more updates. I mean it. Also if you enjoyed this go thank the person who requested this. Thank you person out there probably reading this. Now ima go and eat something because I'm kinda really hungry, bye gay shippers!)

(Edit: woooooooooooo we finally reached my goal! 10k reads! Reeeeeeee)

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