Chapter Three

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July 1516
15th (later that evening)


A handful of maids were dressing me and checking if the dress was fitted properly and the seamstress was also in my chambers in case she needed to fix or alter something.

When nothing needed to be changed, they wrapped me in my corset and pulled it tight. I would usually groan in irritation, but right now I was solemnly quiet.

They noticed it, I could tell, and my eldest handmaiden endearingly put her hand on mine.

"I know you're angry at her, and what she did I do not think was right, for you are only a girl learning how to not be true to herself. And you are through and through a genuine, fierce young lady." She smiled admiringly at me.

"But, it is best to pick our battles."

I nodded at her, understanding what she was saying in a way I'd never really listened to an adult like before.

I returned her smile and squeezed her hand.

She's been my handmaiden since she was around 14 and so she has been a very comforting presence.

I think it's always bothered my mother how I listened to Lira more than her.

The difference is, I just can't respect my mother.

I can respect, and very much do, Lira.

They put the most elegant gown on me I'd ever seen.

It was it was a gorgeous pink-rose color and was adorned with the most beautiful diamonds and exquisite designs.

They laid a matching simple diamond necklace around my neck, and earrings to match.

My hair was pulled up into a noble bun and my shorter hairs were left in flowing curls at the nape of my neck and sides of my face.

They applied a tint to my lips and powder to my face.

The maids giggled and Lira handed me a mirror.

I couldn't stop the gasp that escaped my lips, as the person in the mirror did not look like me.

And very much so did not look 15 years.

I look beautiful, but I look like I'm nearly a decade older! Not that that's an issue, older women are gorgeous, not its not that.

I don't want anymore unwanted attention from my "potential" suitors then I would've already gotten.

Oh if only Will could see me...

Even after all this time, no one knew about Will. Not even Lira.

When we met, while I was newly 14 years, we hit it off and would pull stunts on the guards, as well as the servants.

No one would find out he was involved, just me.

But he was the one with all the plans and ideas.

We were best friends and then one day.

After a long day of setting up traps for the guards and sneaking into the forbidden quarters of the castle, we laid down in a secure meadow and he turned to me after a while.

"Hela, you're mother is trying to get you a suitor, yes?" He asked cautiously.

"Yes, but her attempts prove fruitless, I have no want for a marriage right now, nor a gold-digger man courting me."

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