Freddie The Head Smacker

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Freddie smacked my head suddenly.
"What are you doing , Amelia ?! Bow ! Say Sorry!"

"Why should i say sorry ? I didn't do anything . Why should i bow ? They did not even bow to T'Challa . Who is he ?"

Freddie smacked my head again. Gosh it hurts a lot.

"I am so sorry Your Highness." Freddie said.

Your highness ? Wait a freaking minute. Your majesty is for the king and the queen. Your highness is for the prince or princess or duke or duchess. Is he the Prince of England ? Wow.

"Wait , he's the Prince of England ? Wow. This is amazing." I said while pointing my index finger at him. It's not like i have no manners so do not judge me okay.

Freddie slapped my hand away.

"Yes you moron! I am so sorry Your Highness , she's sorry. I am sorry we disturbed you , we will go."

"It's okay , it's not a big deal and you did not disturbed me at all. You don't know me right ? Hello , i am George Bryce Alexander."

"I am Amelia Leblanc." We shook hands.

When i said my dreams of going to UK and travel around London , i do not include shaking hands with the Prince of England.

"We should probably go , come on Andie. It was a pleasure to me you, Your Highness. And again , i am sorry. WE are sorry." Freddie said hurriedly.

We were about to go when George , i know it's impolite but it's weird saying The Prince , beside , it's only on my mind. Take my wrist to stop me.

"Wait! Um.. Do you wanna hang out some time? I mean to talk about the unique shops you were planning on making."


Freddie pinched my arm.

"Ouch. Y-Your Hi-Highness. Okay byee !"

We ran but i can hear his giggle.

"Amelia! how can you be so incredibly and unbelievably stupid! You know a lot of things about UK how can you not realise that you are talking to The Prince ?"

"Well i do not really pay attention to the royal family , i only know Queen Maryanne. I focused more on the places."

"You know you will be in the magazines right ? People were taking photos of you. I mean who else got the chance to even make eye contact with THE Prince ?"

"Oh shit."


"Oh sorry mother !" I said while laughing.

"You are so annoying i hate you."

"Love you too." I blew a kiss to him. Well he kinda caught it and threw it on the ground and stepped on it several times. My poor not real kiss.

"Okay so the next stop?"


"Calm down woman, i know you are more excited to eat fish and chips than meeting me in London."

"Hey that is not true at all. Okay maybe 10% true. Come on let's go!"

We walked and we finally found The Fish and Chips Restaurant. This restaurant was the first restaurant ever that serves fish and chips in London and it has been passed down from generation to generation.

We order our food and we eat peacefully. The taste is so authentic. I love it. And while eating i look outside seeing what people are doing. Families wearing matching shirts to go for a walk , couples holding hands and hugging each other, kids playing around the street. Everything seems so peaceful. I love UK. I love London.

"Oh shoot , Logan needs me at the company , there's an important matters going on"

"Okay , you just go home and i will just walk around and go to some places and i will be back later. Be with Logan. He needs you."

"Gosh , i am so so sorry , Ams."

"It's okay , just go!"

"Bye , And . Love you." He said while picking his jacket and he kissed my forehead.

"Love you too."

I walk out of the restaurant and walk slowly along the street. I am enjoying London fresh air , looking around the street , looking at the shops. I see a bench with an old man sitting on it. He seems lonely and i think he's blind. He has that stick that blind people have. I feel bad all of the sudden so i look around and i see a flower shop. I bought a flower , i think Dahlia and i bought a cinnamon pretzel too.

"Good afternoon sir , i have some things for you." I handed him the pretzel and the flower.

"It smells good. Thank you young lady."

"Your welcome sir , have a nice day."

"You too"

I walk away happily after seeing his smile. I am glad that i can make a stranger happy.


I was shocked but i know that voice , that deep voice.

"Oh my god you startled me , why are you wearing all black and a mask and hat ? Oh wait do not answer i know it."

He laughs. His laugh makes me wanna laugh too. It's contagious.

"Oh sorry , i should call you Your Highness right?"

"No , please don't , just call me George."

"Really ? I do not wanna go to jail because of disrespecting you."

He laughs again. Oh i wanna hear his laughs every time.

"No , you are not going to jail because you did not disrespected me , i asked for it. It's just nice to get to know and to talk to somebody that does not know me."

"Well i kinda know you from Freddie , remember my friend earlier. Well i know you are The Prince of England , the grandson of Queen Maryanne and the 2nd in-line of the throne. Yep i only get that , i do not understand anything about the royalty."

"Well do not understand it , do not see me as The Prince . See me as George. The regular George. It's nice to be regular with someone for a while."

"Oh , okay , no problem."

We are walking to... i do not know where we are heading but yeah we are having a pretty nice conversation.

"So have you been to London before ?"

"No , i have been dreaming of going to the UK especially London for 18 years since i was 5 but i need to save some money and work hard for it and now i am here. This is kind of a dream come true for me."

"So you are 23 years old right ? You really like London?"

"Yeah i love London , i mean , i am American , i cannot deny that but if i can be honest , London is the most amazing and incredible and mesmerizing place for me. And yeah i am 23 years old , how about you ?"

"I am 26 . Thank you for loving London. It's nice to hear that someone that is not from the UK has so much love for London. How long are you planning on staying here ?"

"3 weeks. Well i hope i can stay here longer or i do not know forever." I chuckled.

He grabbed my hand delicately and stopped me.

"Then stay. Don't go" He said.

"I am not planning to go anywhere soon."
Right now we are staring into each other's eyes deeply. His eyes are mesmerizing. It's magnificent how i can see that behind the expression he is wearing , there are lots of layers of emotions under it and how he sees me , it's like he want me to know the real him.

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