Back To London

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"So , i talked to your agency and they agreed to give you a break. And i told them that if you're ready to give them your piece you can just email them."

"Thanks , George. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for being with me all of this time"

It has been 1 whole week since my father's funeral. George has been a really supportive role for me and i really do appreciate it. He has been a very patient person too and i adore him for that. He used my laptop to finish his works .
He talked to my agency today about me going to London for a break. We started packing and yeah , we used his jet to London and yeah so that's how is it now.

We arrived at London , and Freddie pick me up with Logan as usual. But this time , giving me a tighter hug.


"Yeah , i am okay. Thank to this man over here" i said to Freddie while pointing George that is next to me.

"Thank you a lot for taking care of our Amelia , she's like a little sister to us." Logan says to George.

"She was remarkable , she went through it really well. "

Nope. That's a lie. Without him , i would totally be more depressed right now.

"We're gonna take her home , thanks for everything , visit us anytime." Logan said.

"Thanks George , for everything." I kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome , Amelia." He kissed my forehead.

We walk on our own way. We finally arrived at the house and i quickly went to bed. I wake up because someone is calling me.


"Wake up sleeping beauty , i am taking you for a food truck journey."

"Don't wake me up prince , i still wanna sleep."

"Nope. It's my job to wake you up , come on hurry hurry i am outside. "

"Ugh okay fine."

I take a quick shower and pick a simple white t-shirt and black jeans.

"Hey mister waker"

"Come on , you won't regret it."

We start walking.

"I wanna get to know you better , let's play 20 question. I ask you first , you answer then you can ask me okay?"

"Okay." I am so glad that i am not the only one that is curious about each other.

"3 of your faves animals ?"

"Dogs , pandas , polar bear. 3 of your faves colour ?"

"Navy blue , gold , red. How about your's?"

"Red , black , gold. We got 2 in common. Batman / superman ?"

"Batman. Iron Man / Captain America ?"

"Captain America. Top 3 favorite movie genre ?"

"Action , Comedy , Musical. What about yours ?"

"Action , Comedy , Romance. Favorite school subject?"


"Oh God . MATH?! i hate mathematics. Math is my downfall. You must be smart then."

"That i am." We both laugh.

We arrived at the place and i see lots of food trucks. The food smells amazing. I wanna try it all. Gosh.

"Come on , come on , let's gooo!" I grab his hand.

"What do you wanna eat first ???"


After my father's death , this is the first thing that makes me smile. If 1 month ago , you said that the prince of England will be my friend and makes me happy , i would be laughing out loud. But now , i am extremely thankful to him because he bas become one of the most important people in my life. I do not know when will it end , being friends with a prince is hard enough and i do not know until when will this lasts but i am planning on using my times with him effectively so i will not regret it later. Even though i know that something will go wrong. Why ? Because i am starting to develop my feelings for him or in another word , i am starting to fall for him.

We have eaten tacos , nachos , sausages , steaks , mini burgers , spicy chicken skewers , takoyaki and many more. I am so full.

We are now sitting on the grass.

"I am so full , i feel like a happy elephant."

We laugh together.

"Well , Amelia , we ate a lot so yeah . Usually in 5 minutes there will be a band performing some songs."

"This place really makes me feel in ease. With some songs it'll be perfect."

"Especially when you are hanging out with a handsome and muscular prince."

And it's ruined.

"You know , by saying that , you just ruined the moment."

"Hey , i was just stating facts."

"Okay. I will just say okay."

Well those facts are true. He is handsome and muscular. Okay i need to stop.

"Have you ever date anyone before?"

I chuckled for a bit before saying "no. I haven't date anyone. In my entire life."

"Why? Not even in high school ?"

"High school was the worst . Well, my only friends are Freddie and Logan. At high school , i was bullied because they thought i was a freak and you can say that i am poor. But high school was not that bad , one day , one group of girls beat me up and i spent my day in the nurse office saying that i fell from the stairs even though she was not into it because of the hand print on my face but then a guy , which was Freddie came in with the same kind of condition like i was so we laughed at each other's faces. I made friends with him and Logan."

"I am sorry you have to went through that."

"Why did you say sorry ? It's not your fault. "

"Well , you don't deserve that kind of treatment. You deserve the best."

He looked deeply into my eyes and i looked deeply into his eyes. Oh my heart , are you okay ? No! Cause it's going to jump out of my chest. He removed a single strand of my hair from my face and cupped my cheek. He came closer and he kissed me.

I was shocked i did not know what to do. I never kissed anyone before. I did not know how to kiss. So i just close my eyes and move my lips along with him. And trust me when i say this , i did not regret a single thing.

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