Chapter 4

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Still unsure of what had just happened, I sprinted down the stairs. Ryan had reappeared and was now dancing amongst a group I recognized from Robyn and Jayden's form. I shuffled over to him and tugged on his arm, trying to avoid an elbow in the face, “What?!” he shouted over the music. I shook my head beckoning him towards the garden. Outside the sky had grown dark and was now fully black, the only light was from the full moon above and the subtle flashing lights from the windows. It was unbelievably hot inside so I welcomed by the cool night breeze.

“What’s up?” he asked awkwardly shifting his weight from one leg to another. “Riley’s out of it” I explained, watching his expression weirdly change from worried to relief. He rolled his eyes brushing a hand through his own hair “I suppose I better go hold his hair back”

Something was wrong with Ryan. I couldn’t put my finger what but he just wasn’t acting himself, or maybe it was just the guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach, I never kept things from Ryan, especially when in concerned his best friend. I watched after him as he swiftly turned on his heel and went to save his damsel in distress.

I followed him inside and headed into the kitchen where I found Robyn and Jayden. My mind was still reeling from what had just happened and I was desperate for a distraction. Before I could question my actions, I snatched a clear bottle from Jaydens hand, not looking at the label; I lifted it to my lips and drunk. My throat was on fire as I swallowed the liquid, my head screaming me to stop and my lungs begged for air. I finally lowered the empty bottle having downed the whole thing. I gasped for breath, gagging. My entire mouth burned as my head spun. It was worse than the shot, way worse.

Both Robyn and Jayden were staring at me, eyes wide and mouth agape. “Summer! You realise you just drunk near enough a whole bottle of vodka!?” Jayden cried. I hadn’t to be honest and I didn’t care. I was so confused, and not just because of the vodka. Countless questions were running through my mind. I wanted to tell myself to stop thinking about it, but I didn’t even listen to other people, let alone myself.

Riley was like my brother, didn’t he see it like that?

Did I want to kiss him back?

Was it just the drink?

I pushed the thoughts aside, “Just getting in the party spirit” I replied with a forced smile, my words slurring as I wobbled. “It’s getting late” Jayden began as he steadied me, “Maybe we should call it a night” Robyn finished taking my hand. “No! We’ve hardly danced, don’t be boring!” I frowned pulling her towards the front room where the party was still in full spirits.

“Fuck it!” Jayden laughed not needing much convincing; I knew I could count on him. He reached for a bottle of drink and copied my previous actions. “You guys go ahead, I need to check on Michael” Robyn planted a kiss on both our cheeks. “Happy hangovers!” and with that she left.

Grabbing some more drinks, together we danced into the early hours of the morning. By now there were only a few people left but we continued to spin around laughing and singing loudly to songs we had never heard, our voices slurring as we tried to copy the lyrics. Around three the music was switched off and the house was pretty much empty of party goers, just a few who had passed out on the couches or having a late night cigarette.

Jaydens dad came to pick him up, we hugged goodbye and I headed into the kitchen for water to soothe the burning in the back of my mouth. I was so glad I hadn’t worn heels; by the amount I was wobbling I would have surely broken my leg by now. I was so dizzy, the room was spinning and twisting around me, my vision blurred as I reached the sink. Each breath felt like nails scraping against my throat.

My stomach churned and flipped inside me and before I knew it the floor was getting closer. My eyes slid shut as I heard a familiar voice calling my name; I didn’t have time to brace my fall, luckily two arms around my back did it for me.

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