Chapter 2: The Dream

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   It was dark, and it was hot.

   I don't know how I got here, I just opened my eyes to find myself in a dark humid room. It was quiet for a couple minutes, I sighed and turned around in a circle. Stopping, I concluded that nothing was going to happen, then, everything lit up.

   That's all I see. Fire.

   It was all around me, trapping me in a circle. I shook with fear, sweating from the heat.

   I look around, trying to find a way out, when I find none, I yell out for help, hoping someone heard me. What is this place? Why am I hear?

   I desperately look around, and this time a see  a opening in the fire. I rush through it, and my feet never touched the ground.

   Huge claws wrapped around my torso, and lifted my up in the air. I screamed, from being scared, and from being surprised.

   The ring of fire disappears, and all that was left was darkness, and my ragged breathing. I tried to move but was only squeezed tighter by the abnormally large claws. My breaths getting smaller and smaller from the lack of air.

   A growl erupts from behind me. I froze, again scared. I slowly turned around to find myself face to face with two, glowing yellow eyes.


   I jump up and claw at the sheets, my breathing heavy. I was covered in sweat, probably from the vividness from the dream.  

   "Rough night?"

   I turned to find Evert laying on the bed next to me, with his head propped up. From the looks of it, he was watching me sleep.

   "Did you have a nice time watching me sleep?" I asked, uncomfortable from his unwavering stare.

   "Wish I brought a bag of food to eat, but all in all, yes." His lips forming into a smirk. 

   "Your such a pervert," I retorted, throwing a pillow at him.

   He easily caught it, his muscles flexing as he does so. He placed it under him, resting his head on it. His black hair fell in his face, covering up one of his hazel eyes. 

   Evert was someone that all the girls would love to marry. He was perfect at everything. Archery, combat, looks, you name it.

   His family made a promise to my family saying that the girl that is born will be married to their first born son.

   I was born, and my mother couldn't have anymore children, so I am destined to marry him.

   The problem is not that I don't want to get married, but that I am a boy. 

   My family never breaks a promise so when I come to age, I have to marry Evert. I does't matter if I don't want to marry him, I have to.

   We were friends since birth so when our parents told us we would need to get married, I was shocked. They had us move in with each other to get used to each other. 

   And before you start... I am still a virgin. A proud one too. We were told, well, Evert was told no sexual touching, and we are to sleep in different beds until marriage. I think it's fair, but when your living with a sexed drive dominate that's not supposed to have sex with anyone else can get a little hectic.

   But all in all, it's pretty peaceful.


   I turned my head towards Evert, "Hmm?"

   "Are you OK?" His face turns serious, his mouth forming into hard line. 

   I leaned over and put my hand on his head, "I'm fine, it's just a dream."

   Or was it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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