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•Matthew's POV•

They kiss at the end... they kiss, I, Matthew Williams, kisses... Gilbert, WHO IS ANOTHER MAN!!

I'm having a mini freak out when Felix puts his hand on my shoulder. I jump 3 feet in the air... not really I just fell out of my chair.

"God what has your dick in a knot!" Felix laughs. I get back in my chair and lay my head on the desk.

"You know about the play right." I look at him.

"Yeah, wait, you got in?! Didn't you?!" He starts giggling like a little girl.

"Lead role... stop laughing!" I demand sitting up. He clears his throat and calms down.

"You have to kiss a guy! I front of the whole school, even the teachers!" He starts to laugh again... harder this time.

The... whole... school... I have to kiss... KISS! It's want this day to be over...

"Ugg... I don't think I can do that."

"Why, you like, have so much... Mwha! You know?" I stare at him.

"No, I don't know." He crosses his arms.

"You have a lot of gayness."

"I'm not gay..." I sigh. I'm starting to say this a lot.

"Come to my house after school, give me your arm so I can write my address. I'm going to give you a gay test." He grabs a pen. I give him a piece of paper. He shrugs and writes down an address in a hot pink glittery pen.

I have nothing better to do so I guess I'll go...


I hate gym, not because I have to be active, I have to stand there awkwardly and have Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert try to calculate my dick size. Apparently there experts on it, but they can't quite get me.

"No, seven... no." Francis wonders out loud.

"5 maybe?" Antonio suggests.

"Guys leave the poor kid alone, he probably already thinks we're creeps from what the other kids say." Gilbert huffs. I thank him.

"But, we can calculate every guy at school, even the teachers. His brothers was too easy, I feel bad for him." Francis crosses his arms.

The teacher calls us to the locker room to get changed, like usual I go to a bathroom stall. I have a lot of scars from when... Kuma-something scratched me. It's embarrassing so I go to a private place. Or it was until Gilbert and his friends decided to pop there head under the door.

"Hallo Mattie!" Gilbert greets crawling under the stall door, followed by Antonio then Francis.

"What the- get out!" I hide my chest with my clothes. They nod and leave... that worked?

"Hey Matthieu, just because we seem like creeps doesn't mean we are." Francis says from the other side.

"We had to give you the "test" to see what type of person you were." Antonio added. I put on my shirt and walk out.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's to see what type of person you are." Francis replies.

"Um, what kind of person am I?" They all smirk.

"The shy kid, who is really dirty, and has the super gay." They all day in unison.

"The super gay?! I'm. Not. Gay." I huff.

"We'll see~" Gilbert says seductively. I blush, hoping they didn't notice I walk away from them.

As I walk away I heard them laugh. Just keep walking...

I walk out the locker room. Not looking where I'm going, I bump into someone, cause If is to fall. I land on top of them.

"Oh maple! I'm sorry, sorry!" I apologize. I look  to see who it was.

It's that one boy from the bus.

I stand up and help them.

"It's ok my sunflower!" They say giving me a warm (but creepy) smile. Before I can say anything he walks off.

"Oh shit."

I turn around to see who was there. Gilbert is standing behind me shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" I ask getting closer to him.

"That was Ivan, he's a senior, and the scariest dude in the entire school."

"Oh, well he didn't seem that scary, beside the smile."

"Well, I have to ask you something?" I hesitate to respond for som unknown reason.

"Y-yes?" I stutter. Holy maple you idiot you can't just stutter that shows weakness!

"Are you staying for Alfred's party? Or are you gonna crash at someone's house?"

"Why are you asking?"

"... cause I'm not going unless you go, Francis and Antonio will leave me to fuck there little boyfriends, just saying Francis is a bottom" He winks. I fake gag. Gilbert laughs his weird laugh (like how do you laugh like that?!)

"I mean it's my house, and I need to keep drunk teenagers from doing it in my room." I laugh nervously. We laugh awkwardly when I remember.

"Wait, I'm going over to Felix's house. He's... giving me something."

"A gay test, yeah, he gives it to every one."

"Even you?"

"Yup!" He nods.

"What did you get?" I ask. He keeps a smile but starts to sweat.

"Well Francis got an 96.69 and Antonio got 70..." He says clearly avoiding the question. I was about to confront him about stalling when the bell rings.

"Wait what did you get?!" I shout as Gilbert runs off.

"He got 99.99" Francis appears next to me.

"W-what?!" I jump back. He nods.

"He got the test after he broke up with Elizabeta, if he tells you he's not gay, think again. Now I gotta run, I need to deep throat something so I can impress Arthur!" He runs off.

"99.99... Deep throat?!"


I'm walking over to Felix's house when my phone rings. I pick up my phone, Alfred. I put my phone away after declining the call. Honestly I don't walk to talk to him right now. I reach Felix's house, it's... big. I ring the door bell. The door swings open and I'm pulled in.

"Ok, let's start the test." Felix throws a pager and pen at me. I catch them and read the questions.

"What-" I start before Felix shuts me up by putting a rainbow cookie in my mouth.

"Take the test." He demands setting a plate of cookies in front of me, there all decorated with LGBTQ+ flags. I look at him for a second before starting.

I finish the test and hand it to him. He looks over it. His face lights up. He walks over to a desk and starts writing things down on a pink and purple notebook. I watch as he mumbles and giggles to himself. After what feels like forever, he turns around.


Um... I have Summer Gym tomorrow and itsssssssssssss 10:10....... I need sleep but I'm not tired 😓.
Sorry if  this sucks a lot of stuff happened and I'm not in a good place right now.

See ya next chapter my Potato's 🥔 ❤️

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