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We finish the first scene, It was just me and another girl talking. It wasn't very interesting. The crowd claps and people come on and off stage, taking away some props. I get in position for the next scene. I hear loud footsteps running towards me.

"Look out!" Gilbert shouts jumping on to me. Its on of those classic 'person falls on person and it looks sexual'.

"Well this was fast" Gilbert laughs. He get off of me and reaches out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. "The names Cole, yours?"

"Devin." I grab my back pack and start to walk away.

"Do you like sports?" Cole asks. I shrug. "Video games?"

"I like to play some games." I turn to him.

"That's cool, lets walk together." Gilbert grabs my hand and we start to walk off stage.

The next few scenes pass, it was fun. Each song was fun to do, everyone sounded great. Especially Gilbert, his voice seems like it would be to raspy to sing good, but if he sings deep it sounds like an angle. I looked in the crowd a couple of times, I saw Dad every time. His face looking more uncomfortable each time I look. This was a bad idea. I should have never told them about this play. That kiss scene, Dad, Gilbert...

Its time. I get into position on the bed. The light shines on me. I get up and throw a box off stage. Devin was angry because of the teasing at school, and because he knew Cole didn't share the same feelings as him.

"Devin..." Gilbert walks on stage. I dont turn to him. I stand up and look out the window.

"Leave me alone." Gilbert walks over to me.

"Don't listen to the kids at school, they dont know the real you. They don't know that sweet, kind, and caring person inside of you." Gilbert places his hand on my shoulder.

"Thats not why I'm angry. I'm angry at myself for being such an idiot." I wipe away a tear.

"You're not an idiot Devin."

"I am! Want to know why? When I look in your eyes, I see something. I feel something. I hate the feeling. I hate that your such a beautiful person who is kind and funny! You're so nice to someone like me! Someone who hates everyone.  I look in your eyes and see someone who matters... to me. I feel happy when im with you, but I also feel scared. I'm scared of you because YOU are the one who looked pass my depression, and got to learn the good in me. That's! That's..." I sit on the bed and hug my pillow. "That's why I like you."

Silence. I hear nothing but me breathing. I hear Gilbert breathing. I hear the hum of the lights shining down on us. I hear Gilbert's foot steps. He reaches out his hand, I grab it and he lifts me up. We stare at each other. Our foreheads touch. Gilbert puts a hand on my face. I start to

"Matthew..." He whispers, he said it so soft the mic didn't pick it up. We start to close the gap between us. I feel his breath on my lips. Then I feel it. His soft lips press against mine. It's slow and soft, it made my whole body set on fire. Its was short but it took my breath away. I have never felt this tingle in my body, I want this feeling all the time.

"Devin... I like you to." Gilbert said looking into my eyes. He pulls me into another kiss and pushes me in the fake bed. The curtains close and the audience cheers. We separate, I start to laugh.

"Gilbert! You did amazing!" I exclaim pulling him into a huge hug. He hugs back.

I pull out of the hug and pull Gilbert into another kiss. He jumps at my sudden movement. Gilbert soon melts into the kiss. I grab his face and pull him closer.

"You two gonna stop? The plays over." A kid says carrying a prop. We break apart and apologize. The kid walks off. We look at each other.

"Heh... that was nice." I look at my feet, embarrassed.

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