Adjustment Period

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Hello! I'm sorry i have so long to update in so long! College is killing me! I have so many essays that i don't have time to use my imagination in order to write new chapters and stories...

Anyways, i hope you like this story is first try to write an Arrow fanfiction that isn't Felicity orgins or crossover story...

It's really an AU i couldn't decide which season to write so i put a little of Arrow season 2 and reference of The Flash season 4.


A girl drops out of a portal right in the in front of Verdant and she was full of blood and dirt. Her appearance caused Oliver and his team to worry how and why she was here.

Who was she?

"Oliver! Check her head, the left side!" Suddenly Felicity exclaimed once they managed to get her inside the Foundry and lay her on the metal table where all the medical stuff were happening.

"Oh! My God! Is that a..." Sara started to say in total shock but was cut off by Oliver's voice;

"Bullet wound."

"Is she dead?" John asked worried she didn't look more than probably 19 years old.

"No, she is still breathing but I don't know how to help her maybe we should call Caitlyn." Felicity said in worry and Oliver nodded as he took out his phone and started dialing Barry's number.

In a few seconds Caitlyn stood before them ready for surgery.

Caitlyn did the best she could but she was 100% sure that the girl before them would die.

"Guys, I found this in her pocket...maybe it could give us a clue of who she is." Caitlyn said in a sad tone as she opened the phone.

She enter to the photo gallery and they were welcomed by landscape photos and photos of a city, clouds, trees, sun and clouds and at times foods and family members.

"She has...had a talent for photography...could you find where are those photos from?" Oliver said in sadness to Felicity who nodded equally sad.

"Um...the photos are from Greece a town called Thessaloniki and Italy a town called Lecce." Felicity said a few minutes later in confusion they didn't know these places. Well they knew that Greece and Italy existed but those towns was the first time they heard of them.

"What else is on the phone?" John asked in worry.

"Look guys, this photo is of piece of paper, a coffee mug and a says on it "Script, coffee and corrections notes...the directors life...LOL" She is a director...well was." Caitlyn noted in shock as she read it out loud.

Then a next photo showed a handwritten poem.

"Guys listened to this; "Adults say we should be thankful that we live in a peaceful world. Where did they see peace? Children die because of wars. Children die because of in-school shootings. And yet the adults keep insisting, "You're lucky you have peace". So, I ask again, where did they see peace?" It's a poem." Felicity read out loud and Sara looked at the girl on the table in sadness.

"Was she hit by a school shooting?" Sara asked in worry but something in everyone's gut said it wasn't was something else.

No one answered too afraid of being the truth as they continue scrolling through the girl's phone.

"Can you check her browser history?" Oliver asked in a tone that said an idea was forming in his head.

Felicity opened the Internet browser only to see a tuna salad recipe but as she checked the others windows they were opened they found a diary that was set in anonymous mode.

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