CHAPTER 1 - Part I - Mercury

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The twins' usually loud voices could not be heard from the inside of the small house, the loud booming noise of the storm that raged over the small town concealed their voices until they barely sounded like whispers . The old ratty house was a few miles from Pickering, a small city, but at walking distance of the town. It had dimly lit halls, slowly decaying wallpaper and three small rooms. In the middle of the vast plains sat Bellatrix and Zaccheus, far enough from the house to pretend they didn't hear the muffled cries of their mother for them to come back, or at least put a raincoat on. You see, the twins never minded the cold, or harsh weather, they liked being roughed up a little, fighting against nature as the rays of lightning fell barely a hundred meters away from them. The two of them were inseparable and they did most things together, like sitting under their favorite tree and just see the rain fall down like a coat over the fields. Their mother didn't like this, she never went out when the weather was bad, she blamed it on gods, spirits, mythical battles, monsters and other nonsense she always complained about.

"Do you believe in the stories mother says?" blurted Bellatrix while still looking at the rain, not a single glance towards her brother was given "No-" he starts with a shaky, doubtful voice "No, of course not. Mum's crazy Bella, she lost it too long ago" finished Zac while staring at Bella. She proudly tilted her chin up and pursed her lips. "Mother is not crazy, she is just a tinesy bit broken", she moved a bit towards her brother and rested her head on his shoulder, still not meeting his eyes "We just have to find a way to fix her."

Alonsa, their mother, was chopping vegetables next to the kitchen window, looking up at the sky with a betrayed look on her face. She could only hope for the best, but her children were already behaving and looking so much like their father.


The next morning both kids woke up with a jolt, quickly leaping out of their beds and racing to their sibling's room, only finding themselves on their hall floor after crashing against the other with such force that it made them lose their balance and come crashing down. They were both breathing heavily, not because of the rush and the quick run to get to their twin's room, but because of what made them get out of bed in the first place. They both looked into each others eyes, both wearing the same troubled and even confused face, and without uttering a single word they both understood. They had had the same dream. A barefoot man sitting in the corner of a room with metal walls in a very distressed chlamys looking like a thrown rag doll, was staring straight into their eyes as if they were standing in the same room as him, repeating continuously the same phrase over and over again.

"Mischief son shall walk no more

The skies shall open from the core

The heroes must be done before he roars

Or they shall find something they didn't ask for"

After breakfast, they had gone to their tree yet again to watch the sunrise and calm their minds, but to their utter astonishment, the sky was dark, too dark. They sat there for hours on end without any trace of the sun. It wasn't until midday that the sun rose. The issue had already been spread all over the world by then and scientists were trying to explicate the situation without even gathering a single clue of what had happened.

The twins had gone to their living room shortly after their mother had summoned them to watch the local news reporter try to explain what happened, and communicate of the storm that was quickly growing in the city of Toronto. It really had only passed mere seconds, when they saw lightning hit their tree. There wasn't a storm like last night, not even a single cloud could be seen in the sky. As they approached the burnt maple tree, they saw a pair of worn out sandals with what looked like a couple of wings. After inspecting the shoes from afar, being careful with their movements, Bella exclaimed with an exasperated sigh following "They are just shoes, what could they possibly do to us". She approached the shoes, and after grabbing one from the wing, she noticed penned in the sole in what she seemed to be greek, the same message the man in their dreams had told them. She was dumbfounded by her capability to read greek, and even more amazed that their dream wasn't just a mere coincidence. She turned to her brother, who was already approaching her with a slightly anxious look, to tell him what she had discovered, but stopped in her tracks when she felt a soft movement in the hand that was holding one of the mysterious shoes. She looked towards her brothers eyes searching for reassurement, but found him already looking at the shoe in her hand with wide fearful eyes. Bella slowly turned her head to be startled by yet another movement of the shoe. They quickly discovered the wings moved, so they wrapped the shoes up with Zac's jacket and took them to his room for further examination, and probably a lot of flying too.



Chlamys: A type of an ancient traveler's Greek cloak.


Authors note:


Things you should know before reading this story:

- This is part of a school project so IT WILL NOT contain: Smut, swear words or any inappropriate or "Mature" content. (There will be some LGBTQ+ but really minor and mostly at the end in case you are uncomfortable)

- If I don't pass this project, I don't pass the year :) so I appreciate the feedback, positive (that actually also determines part of my grade, and it motivates me to continue) and constructive (to make my story more enjoyable and better)

- This is a greek mythology AU but I will explain some weird terms at the end of each chapter that you may not recognize, and make sure to comment if you don't know the meaning of something so I can add it to the definitions. Also, Greek mythology comes packed with morals and messages but also with dark or sad endings, you are now officially warned!

- There aren't gonna be many chapters, they'll probably be around ten, so to make it easier for wattpad format, I'll divide it into parts. I WILL UPDATE a lot as I have to complete this in a very limited amount of time. The parts may vary on length, principally on the first chapter.

- Finally, I may edit some parts and change some things during the process but I will worn you when I do so and explain the changes.

- There will be many fandom references, feel free to point them out!


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