CHAPTER 1 - Part V - Mercury

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Zac jolted awake at the sound of leaves rustling outside. At the thought of them only being moved by the wind, he rested his head hesitantly on the pillow, but the sound didn't cease. As the sound continued for minutes on end, Zac rose from his poorly made bed, which roughly qualified as a bed, and stood up still half asleep. He tried to blame it on sleepiness as he saw a shadow looming over the window. However, no amount of sleep deprivation could have been enough to imagine the evil laugh coming out of the monster that was on the other side of the window, hidden by the curtains. At the deafening tone of the monster's laugh, the rest of the teens in the room jolted awake, banging heads and giving a few kicks here and there, but in a couple of seconds, they all managed to stand up.

"What was that?"Asked Shawn, daring to break the silence.

"Was it any of you guys?" Demanded Bella, as she certainly did not appreciate being rudely woken up at the crack of dawn.

"No it wasn't, I've been awake for a while. I think there's a monster outside, we need to hide"

"There aren't such things as monsters Zac. I knew this was coming sooner or later, you are acting as crazy as mom" Bella let out an annoyed sigh and threw her hands in the air, letting herself fall on the sofa she had previously been sleeping on "Just go back to bed, Zac. Let everyone sleep."

Suddenly, a resounding screech pierced through the air. The sound seemed to resemble a woman screaming or laughing, maybe even both. As they all looked at each other wide-eyed and with worried faces, the noise of wood screeching came from the front of the house. With a silent agreement made with their eyes, they all tiptoed their way up the stairs, heading towards Zac's room. They entered slowly and silently closed the door, immediately after, Zac ran towards his walk-in closet. The rest of the kids, that had already scattered throughout the room, sitting on the bed, chair or the floor, looked at each other with confusion written all over their faces.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come here" whisper-shouted Zac from the inside of his gigantic closet, being careful to not make any loud noises to not attract the beast that prowled around the house as if waiting for its prey. Cautiously, they all stood up from where they were resting and walked towards the closet. Shawn entered first, and with a sharp intake of breath, he walked forward, softly touching the golden sword that was closest to him. There was a collection of weapons, ranging all the way from inscribed swords to small pocket knives, golden shields to brass guns, silver spears to compact smoke grenades. They all stood shining in all splendor, brand new and waiting to be used. Aaliyah took a cautious step forward, anxiety showing through her eyes, yet she couldn't take another step as Bella came barging in, pushing everyone on her way.

"Since when do you have a secret collection of weapons hidden in your closet that I have definitely been in, on various occasions, and somehow never noticed?" Scolded Bella in a hushed tone, the situation limiting her patience.

"Oh, but there is much more my dear Bella." Said Zac while pulling a lever behind his back. The wall behind him started to move sideways, slowly revealing the seemingly normal clothing. Before anyone could ask what was the necessity of keeping that hidden, Zaccheus grabbed a knife and stabbed the nearest shirt. As he pulled the knife back, the shirt showed no signs of damage. He continued to damage the rest of the clothing, testing the ordinary looking clothes with lighters, daggers, and even bullets, but nothing seemed to get past the first layer of the clothing "there's only one thing I haven't mastered when it comes to these clothes" Zac furrowed his brows and looked down at his feet sheepishly "they only last a couple of hours at most"

"What?... How?" Asked Balthasar with a bewildered look

"You see, they are tear proof, fireproof and bullet proof...but I haven't yet managed to get the waterproof to work. A little bit of water or sweat, and say goodbye to the clothing cause' it'll probably be gone in a few minutes"

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