CHAPTER 2 - Part II - Venus

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"Is it me or is the van getting stuffy?"
"Shawn, you are panicking again"
"Well, what do you want me to do! I'm in a van, about to be devoured by a crazy lady with a fifteen-year-old which I'm supposed to be responsible for. And, bonus, we have no way of telling our friends so at least they can run. We are done for, we're practical-"
"Shawn! search for my bag, quick." Shawn did not know what was going on, but he knew that this was his last chance of survival. He couldn't believe it. Just that very same day he had been with Aaliyah, his only friend, thinking he was rebellious just because he had fallen asleep in class. If he had known it would come to this, he wouldn't have run away from his house. He wouldn't have gotten his own apartment, and definitely wouldn't have given in to Aaliyah's pleas for him to stay in school. He had to admit though, it was fun for a while. Innocently following feathers was fun enough, but being chased by a creepy lady certainly wasn't. He had to protect this kid he was slowly getting attached to.

A blinding light snapped him out of his thoughts, but it disappeared as soon as it came. Unsurely, both kids peered out of the van through the now busted window. The strange but strong light seemed to have dimmed completely, only leaving a small aura around a woman, who now stood in front of the burnt old lady. As the wise say, the enemy of your enemy is your friend, and even if it wasn't, you don't want to get an angry, glowing, human roaster machine against you. As they approached the beautiful young lady in the white dress, the sound of steps could be heard from a distance as their friends were coming. The old woman they were previously scared of was laying on the floor on her side, showing off a scaly tail that had been hidden under the long dress. The rest of the group finally reached the attractive woman and formed a semicircle around her, some gaping at her and some scowling.

"Do you have a bomb or somethin'? How d'ya burn the angry lady?" Spoke Severus loudly for the first time, surprising everybody, even the divine figure in front of them.
"No, I do not possess a mortal combat weapon-"
"Ha, mortal combat" Joked Zac, although nobody found it particularly funny, or at least nobody was in a laughing mood.
"However, I did burn Lamia. I've always held a grudge against her. She can take off her eyes. I wish I could do that! It would have saved me from seeing many horrendous faces. And Hera is always blabbing about her. I mean, I get it, your husband can't shut up about her and he took her eyes off but just give him a break." Continued the woman without giving even a single glance towards Zac.
"What are you babbling about if you don't mind me asking" spoke up Ianthe with a kind smile, clearly not surprised by the woman's presence.
"Good old Lamia here-" Started the woman a little distractedly "is a good old frenemy of mine. Never really liked her much so no regrets really"
"Who even are you?" Asked Shawn, not amused by the divine woman's blabbing.
"She's Aphrodite" interrupted Aaliyah, and even if everyone had understood her knowledge had no limits, they weren't any less impressed
"The Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation" Balthasar and Aaliyah seemed to be the wise duo of the group, as if their brains were connected and their train of thought followed the same trail.
"Well, well, well. Someone has been studying" She looked around the room, her eyes searching and focused "Aha! Shawn, come here boy, come here."
"Grab this a sec please" Aphrodite handed her girdle to him, and even if Aaliyah or Baz tried to stop him, they wouldn't have been quick enough to stop the clouding of his eyes and the dilated pupils. Shawn's head snapped up to meet Aphrodite's eyes, as for now, he seemed to be normal if you ignored the weird eyes thing.
"Why is everyone looking at me weirdly?"
"the-the are supposed to go crazy now, looking for your love and all that shiz" Muttered Aphrodite under her breath, failing to understand how the girdle's magic powers may have not worked.
"Why are you normal?" Questioned Aaliyah, followed by a confused Balthasar.
"Why are you even still here?"
"You too Baz? Does everybody know something I don't?!"
"Wait, what? Why are you still here? Did I lose my powers or something?" The woman shook her head and took a step towards Shawn, and frustrated over the fact that her girdle seemed to be particularly ordinary, she held his head, shook it, and shouted "Why is it not working"
"I don't think that's the problem Mrs.Aphrodite" Claimed Ianthe, looking back and forth between Baz and Shawn.
"Give me back my belt please sweetheart. Well, I guess if I can't be useful here anymore, I shall give you your gifts
"Gifts?" Asked Severus "What could you possibly give us? It's not even Christmas!"
"Of course gifts sweetie, you are set to rescue a greek god, you can't possibly expect us to leave you empty handed right? didn't you get the message I made Hypnos send you, I knew I should've sent the message through Iris"

"So..we are rescuing Hermes?" Asked Aaliyah as she put the pieces together. The message from the sole of the shoe finally made sense. She knew in that moment, she had to do something, and she couldn't do it without her newfound friends, which she had bonded with in a short amount of time. So, without showing any hesitance, she grabbed her discarded bow and shield, and strapped on her quiver. "Let's go guys, I'll lead the way" Aaliyah started walking towards the van, as Shawn complained.

"We haven't even opened our presents yet"

"I'm sure we'll find them along the way"

"Do you even know where you are going?"


And so, they were all off to another, greater, adventure...

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