CHAPTER 1 - Part III - Mercury

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"Shawn, are you absolutely sure about this? We know nothing of this mysterious kid and we are dragging two preteens with us. We should think about this a bit more. Can we really trust this kid? I mean, you haven't talked to him in years. I understand he was your childhood friend, but people change, and maybe he's gone bad. He could even be a criminal!... Are you even listening to me" Rambled Aaliyah with wide fearful eyes, but Shawn didn't budge, he continued walking towards the slightly crooked and very old house that stood out like a sore thumb on the road full of office buildings and modern houses.

"We are not preteens, we are fourteen, for god's sake" Spat Balthasar for what seemed like the tenth time in the last 50 minutes of walk.

"I can't believe we even brought them with us-" Continued Aaliyah, ignoring the kids' presence and disregarding completely their outraged faces. "Why did you have to agree to them coming with us? I should have stopped you from dragging the kids here. Heck, I shouldn't have agreed to come with you in the first place, or to even open my locker for that matter! You know wha-"

"Do you have an off button? You are annoying the heck out of me with your babbling and rambling" Blurted Ianthe from the back, walking slowly and at her own pace, looking at the ground in a distracted way.

"A simple shut up would have sufficed, you know"

"We're here" Shawn announced as he climbed the stairs of the house, his shoes made the wood creak with every step, giving an uneasy feeling to all but Shawn. They all huddled up together behind Shawn, whose brave facade started to falter as they approached the door.

After a few shakey knocks, the sounds of heavy steps alerted the intruders, who slowly backed up a few steps.

The door was opened with immense strength, causing the door to crash against the wall, and the kids to jump in their places with fear. However, no monster was at the door, instead, there was a handsome teenager that looked more like a model than anything else. He cocked his eyebrow in confusion, but soon, a look of realization crossed his face.

"I certainly did not think you'd come back"

"Well Severus, you owe me a favor" Severus scrunched his face, and swiftly scanned the group of teens standing on his porch. "And I'm taking it now"

"Is it long or even important?"

"I haven't seen you in three years, and I came back to talk to you because I need a favor-" Severus had an uneasy feeling about the favor, and the smirk on Shawn's face certainly did not help. "What do you think?"

And that's how, after a lot of tea and explanations, the kids jumped to Severus' old truck, and prepared themselves for a long trip, full of bumpy roads and hyperactive feathers.


As they approached the small and battered house in the middle of the countryside, they spotted two kids in a window on the second floor aggressively trying to catch something, which by the looks of it, was flying.

They had hesitantly taken a step forward when a sound pierced through the air and the shattering of glass was heard. After catching muffled fighting, they reconsidered entering the house. However, right before Aaliyah begged to go back, Shawn quickly walked towards the door and knocked on it. The shouting stopped abruptly and the group could hear feet trotting down the stairs and getting closer. Their anxiety doubled by the minute, and Aaliyah even broke into a heavy sweat.

The sound of many locks being undone brought the kids out of their dazes. The door was left ajar as two heads peeked through the slight hole in between the door and the frame. Everybody was pleasantly surprised by the fact that there was no one weird or potentially violent looking.. Nobody likes weird people at midnight.

It was like a staring contest, everybody scanning their opponents' eyes, trying to come up with something to say as nobody really expected the situation at hand.

"So...are you gonna' tell us why you are in our house, which is literally in the middle of nowhere or are you going to just keep staring at us?"

As if a light was switched, Balthasar snapped out of his daze, took a step forward and stood proudly in all his 5 feet 2' glory, and in a proud stance he sucked his stomach in, puffed his chest out and flexed his flimsy biceps. "I believe there is something, something dangerous and mysterious, lurking in the shadows of this very house, and you are protecting it! Give it to us and there will be no need to damage your pretty faces" he winked not-so-smoothly at the girl before him.

Before the situation got out of hand, Ianthe pushed her best friend out of the way and in a tired voice she muttered "A couple of weird, golden striped feathers led us here, can we just come in for a sec?"


As they drank tea, they seem to think that was the best way of explaining things anyway, they explicated the situation at hand for the two very confused twins

"So, you believe we have something, and that something has a kind of relation to your weird demonic feathers" stated Bella with a raised eyebrow


"Bellatrix! We have those weird flying shoes with the same feathers. That may help" Exclaimed Zac cheerfully, not aware of his mistakes.

"Yes, I know Zac, you were not supposed to say anything, we don't know these people" Cried Bella, more frustrated than ever and sending daggers at her brother.

"Well, how was I supposed to know!"

"I don't know, maybe you could have realized I wasn't mentioning it."

"Umm, guys" Tried to interrupt Aaliyah, uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Maybe you forgot about them, you can never be too sure"

"How could I possibly forget that we have flying shoes"

"I don't know!"

"You truly are a piece of work"

"Hey! Well, at least I'm not the weirdo that took Katana classes when she was 5 years old!"

"Those classes were not only useful, but they were also weirdly entertaining. At least I know that if there is a katana and they kidnap us, I can get us out"

"Why would they kidnap us?. Wait no, more importantly, why would there be a random katana laying on the ground?!"

"You can never be too sure about that, can you?" Teased Bella, fully aware that she was winning, and showing it off proudly with a smirk. They did that often, passively fight. It could be anywhere, they didn't notice anyway, they were too focused on each other and winning the short battle. They were too immersed this time though, as they didn't notice how Balthasar and Ianthe sneaked their way upstairs and entered their bedroom. The fight was cut short when a shriek was heard from the top floor. Bella looked towards Zac and then stared accusingly at the rest of the rest of the teenagers in the room. Before anyone could react, the two fourteen-year-olds came trotting down the stairs and into the living room. Surprisingly, both were beaming and seemed as happy as ever.

"We found it, see? We are not as useless as you think" Balthasar pulled a pair of sneakers with wings from behind his back. The wings seemed to be made of the same feathers Aaliyah currently had in little glass containers in her hands. Unexpectedly, all the glass containers smashed against the floor and the feathers were freed. Immediately, the feathers flew towards the shoes and attached themselves to them. Some of them filled the empty spots and the rest vanished without a trace.

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