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It had been a long day at work for Matthew.

He was very grateful for the fact that he FINALLY got a job, however the lack of sleep was taking a toll on him. He would get up at four am every morning and drive an hour and a half to work and wouldn't leave until ten o'clock at night. Then once he got home he would stay up until one am working on videos for Game Theory. He was losing sleep and it started worrying Stephanie. However, he was just happy it wasn't just her making the money anymore. 

     He got in his car and started the long drive home. He was half way home when he felt his eyes getting heavy. He tried his best to keep them open but he was fighting a losing battle. Then without him noticing he started drifting into the left lane. Luckily for him a car blared it's horn at him causing him to shoot awake and get back in his lane. The driver in the other car gave him the bird and continued driving. It scared Matthew that he almost crashed which could have resulted in both drivers dead. He needed to pull over. He saw a sign for a gas station and got off at the exit and went and parked.

Stephanie, meanwhile was at home in her PJs.

Skip was curled up right next to her as she worked on her computer. She had just finished some work for her job and was doing research for her husband's next episode of Game Theory. Thinking of her husband she looked at the time. 11:40.

"He should've been home 10 minutes ago." She thought. She checked her phone and there was no text from him. "Where is he?" She started getting worried. He had been severely lacking sleep. She tried talking him into taking a break from his youtube channel, but he had put too much time and effort in it to just let it wash down the drain. She got up and started pacing. "Should I call him? What if I distract him and he goes off the road? What if he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed and.." she had to stop herself. They haven't even been married a year yet. She can't lose him. She couldn't wait, she had to call him. She pulled out her cell phone to call him. She heard three rings then he picked up.

"Hello? Stephanie?" she heard his voice come through the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, Matthew!" she said.

"Yeah, I'm here. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, where are you? You had me so worried. I thought you fell asleep at the wheel and crashed." Matthew paused for a second. He looked down at the diet coke in his hand. He had been sitting at that gas station way longer than he should've, waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

"Hello? Matthew, is everything okay?" he heard his wife's worried voice come through the phone. He sighed. "Matt, you're scaring me."

"Stephanie, I did almost fell asleep at the wheel." Stephanie's heart dropped.

"Where are you?" she asked ever more worried.

"At a gas station an hour away from home."

"I'm coming to get you."

"No! It's too far. I can make it. I bought some diet coke to keep me awake."

"Matthew, you're exhausted. You don't get more than four hours of sleep a night. This is dangerous." she exclaimed.

"Yeah, but what will we do with my car?"

"Screw the car, I'm not letting you drive."

"Steph, we can't afford the bill for having it towed." said Matthew. Then Steph paused. She knew he was right.

"Okay, then stay on the phone with me until you come home. If you're talking to me you can't fall asleep at the wheel." said Stephanie. Matthew thought about it for a second.

"I don't know Steph."

"Matthew, I won't let anything happen to you. I'll keep you safe and look out for you." she said calmly. He sighed.

"Okay." he said. Matthew pulled out of the gas station. He and Steph talked the whole way home. Once Matthew pulled into the driveway he hung up the phone. He went up to their apartment and opened the door. He was immediately greeted by Stephanie throwing herself into his arms. They hugged each other tightly. Every night for the rest of Matthew's time at that job he would call Stephanie as soon as he left work and they would talk on the phone his entire way home.

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