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This story was based off this video you see above. I do NOT take credit for the plot of this next story. Enjoy!

A long time ago in a land far away lived a crystal hearted dragon.

She lived with her baby in a den on top of a mountain. One day the mother dragon left to got get some food while the baby stayed at the den. After she left the baby was enjoying it's time at the den by himself. Then his purple crystal heart started to glow, warning of danger. But from where? Then the baby saw a shadow stretch across the den. He turned just in time to see a young man raise his sword at him. The baby dodge the sword and called out to his mother. The mother heard the cry for help and immediately flew back to the den to see what was happening. However, the young man had cornered the baby in the cave. The young man raised the sword and struck the baby. He took the baby's crystal heart and fled. 

   By the time the mother got back she was heartbroken by the sight and flew off to the Dragon nest.

    She arrived and went up to the grand crystal to see who she needed to director her revenge on. Other dragons at the nest stared and watched. As she looked into the crystal, she saw the young man riding his horse with the crystal attached to the gold chain. She stared at him with vengeance in her eyes.

    The young man was a prince name Timothy. He wanted to surprise his girlfriend, Princesse Stephanie. He entered the hall and presented her with the gift. Her eyes glittered with joy and they embraced as the angry dragon watched on.

That night Stephanie was in her room sitting in front of her mirror.

She was admiring how pretty her necklace was. She couldn't figure how he got a purple crystal in these parts, but she was happy for the effort he made. The mother dragon still watched on. If the young prince was going to take away what she loved, then she would take away what he loved. She granted a wish through the crystal.

     As Stephanie looked at the necklace she noticed it started to glow. Then it became to bright and she felt a sharp pain shoot through her body as the light concomed the room. When she came too she noticed she had turned into a dragon. Now she knew where the crystal came from. Then out of nowhere the young prince busted through the door and saw her in dragon form. Assuming the worst he raised the sword to strike her. Stephanie dodged the sword trying to show no harm to him, but he just kept waving it at her in anger. At one point she fell and left a huge hole in the wall to the outside. When he came to give her the fatal strike, Stephanie whipped him with her tale and flew off into the night. She left the prince swearing vengeance.

Stephanie woke up, having fallen asleep in a meadow.

She wandered through a sheep flock. They all ran away in fear. Then the lead goat kicked her out of the meadow. It was not easy being a dragon. By that night she was exhausted. She wanted to collapse and fall asleep. Then she found old barn for shelter. She walked in not caring about the chickens. Soon she collapsed and fell asleep.

The next morning a young wizard named Matthew, walked in to feed his chickens. He sat on his pile of hay and read his magic book, trying to figure out some new spells for his wand. Then out of nowhere he heard a grumble. He turned around just as Stephanie woke up and the two made eye contact. He stumbled out of his barn and fell backwards in fear. 

   Stephanie followed him curiously, trying to check him out. He waved his wand at her, only to have a little charm come out causing her necklace to glow. Stephanie smiled at it then at him. She leaned her head in closer to him. Matthew flinched, but was surprised when she lighty grab his shirt and helped him stand up. Then she gently grabbed his arm that was holding his wand and brought to the necklace. She was hoping it would reverse the spell, but sadly it didn't. She turned away sadly.

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