Don't Wanna

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Don't wanna set myself on fire to keep you warm,

Don't wanna break my heart to keep yours in one piece,

Don't wanna stifle my screams to keep you content,

Don't wanna be anything you think is perfect to make you satisfied,

Just leave me be to paint the skies and the world,

Just leave me to mould my own clay,

have my own dreams,

What treasures do I hold that you pocket away,

I wanna scream and not worry about it reaching your icy vessel you call a body,

You need to listen to the chatter in my silence, to the rhythm in my heart, to the pleas of a long forgotten freedom,

For which the key is locked away in your chamber of secrets,

I don't wanna work myself to the bone giving you things and forget myself in the process so let me fly away

Words From a Heart UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now