At Nekoma

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"It wasn't my idea!! Kenma-san dragged me to the train station and told me to look for Hinata!!" Lev whined.

Kuroo turned his head to Kenma and asked, "Kenma... what's the meaning of this?"

"As you can see Kuroo... Shoyo said he wanted to stay at my place for a few days so I said yes. He also wanted to play volleyball while he was here... so... here we are," Kenma said without taking his eyes off his game. "Also, if it wasn't for Shoyo, I wouldn't have come to practice today. So be glad that he's here."

"*sigh* Lets just get back to practice everyone..." Kuroo said.

During practice...

Hinata started getting pains all over his body and was having difficulty jumping to spike the ball. Like the mom Yaku is, he noticed it right away and called Hinata aside.

"Hey Hinata, something the matter? You look really tired," Yaku carefully asked.

Hinata's eyes widened and was about to answer that he was fine but a wave of pain hit him and he started to fall to the ground.

"*sound effects of when someone is in pain*"

"Hinata!!!" Nekoma yelled in panic.

Yaku caught him before he could hit the ground and put him in a comfortable position.

"Hey Hinata!! You okay?," Yaku asked urgently but Hinata showed no signs that he heard him.

Hinata was breathing heavily and his face showed signs of pain. He would also groan in pain once in a while.

"Lev! Carry Hinata to the nurse office and someone call the Karasuno team!" Yaku yelled out orders before anyone else.

Before Lev could react, Kenma carried Hinata in bridal style and started to walk out of the gym. Yaku got the team to stop practicing and clean up since they were too shocked to do anything.

"Someone get Sugawara on the phone for me!" Yaku yelled before following Kenma to the nurse office.

"I - I hope Hinata's ok..." Lev quietly said.

"He's going to be fine and I'm going to make a call to the Karasuno team so start cleaning up everyone," Kuroo said to the rest of the team.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Kuroo: Hello? Is this Sugawara Koushi?

Suga: Yes, that's me. Who's this?

Kuroo: It's me, Kuroo, Nekoma's captain.

Suga: Kuroo?! Why are you calling me all of a sudden? We're a little bit busy right now. Can I call you back later?

K: Um... are you busy looking for Hinata perhaps?

S: Huh?! How did you know?

K: Um... the thing is that he's with us right now and -

S: Okay I'll be right there! Keep Hinata with you! Don't let him get away! I'll meet you at the Tokyo station!

K: Suga wait -

End of call...

"That was... hectic," Kuroo said when his phone call with Sugawara was over.

"What did he say Kuroo-san?" Lev asked.

"He said that he's on his way and keep an eye on Hinata," Kuroo replied.

"Do we have to go pick them up?"

"Yeah... Let's go Lev,"

"Yeah! Wait what?! Why do I - "

"Because you're the tallest and easy to spot," Kuroo cut him off.

Back to the Tokyo station...

"There! I can see Lev's head," Sugawara said as the team got off the train.

"Lev!!" Tanaka screamed at him.

"Uhh... who?" Lev answered.

"You dumbass!! It's me! Your senpai!!"

"Umm... I don't have any senpais who are bald..."

"What did you say?!! I'm not bald!! My hair is just - "

Sugawara cut him off and said, "Lev, where's Hinata?"

"He's with Kenma-san and Yaku-san at Nekoma," Kuroo replied.

"Oh ok. Let's go before we lose anyone," Daichi said while trying to control Nishinoya and Tanaka.

At the nurse office in Nekoma...

"*sigh* the nurse isn't here so I'm going to go look for her. Look after Hinata while I'm gone ok Kenma?" Yaku said when they arrived at the nurse office, finding it empty.

"Okay..." he mumbled back.

"Hinata..." Kenma whispered as he held onto Hinata's hand.

Karasuno arriving at Nekoma...

The Karasuno was greeted by the Nekoma's team and as soon as Suga saw Yaku running towards him, he asked, "Yaku!! Where's Hinata?! Is he ok?!"

"Suga! I'm *huff* glad *huff* you're here," he said out of breath. "Hinata is in the nurse's office with Kenma right now but I'm not sure if he's ok though."

"What do you mean? He's still breathing right?" Kageyama butted in before Suga had the chance to answer.

Then Kageyama realized that he had said something that he shouldn't have.

Cliffhanger!!! Sort of...
Again, thank you to those people who read or whatever you do with this book and put up with my writing that doesn't make sense half the time...

I love you all!!! 😙😙😙

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