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Hello~~ I'm back!!! I tried to make this chapter a longer one than the others to make up for the long update!!! Thank you again everyone for reading, voting and commenting on my story!!! Enjoy the new chapter!!

"Kenma~~~ are we there yet?"

"Almost. We just have to turn a few corners. Why? Are you tired?" Kenma asks with a hint of worry in his voice.

"No, just a little bored. You didn't tell me about what's going to happen, so I'm really excited to see what you prepared!!"

Kenma gently smiles at Hinata.

"You'll be amazed at what I've prepared. Your surprise is waiting in our school gym, so let's hurry!"

School gym

3rd P.O.V.

As Hinata slowly opens the door to the gym, all he sees is darkness.

"Hey Kenma... there's nothin-"

*souds of party poppers (🎉 <--- these) popping(?)*


The lights in the gym are turned on and Hinata sees everyone he has played volleyball together.

"Hey chibi!! Congrats on winning your way to nationals!!" Oikawa yells.

"Oi!! Stupidkawa!! Don't yell!!" Iwazumi screams at his childhood friend while smacking his head.

"Th-thank you..." Hinata says quietly.

"HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!" Bokuto hollers.

"BOKUTO-SAN!!!" Hinta yells back.

Bokuto jumps towards Hinata for a hug, but Akaashi stops him before he crushes Hinata.

"Bokuto-san, Hinata can't hold your weight right now, so you have to be extra careful," Akaashi reminds him.

"Ah! Right!!!"

Bokuto slowly walks up to Hinata and bring him to a gentle hug.

"Congrats!" Bokuto gently says.

"Thank you...!" Hinata replies with tears in his eyes.

(I can't remember if Hinata is standing or on a wheelchair...)

As everyone congratulates Hinata, they begin to form groups of 6.

"Hey what's going on?" Hinata asked Kenma.

"You said you wanted to watch a volleyball game and the people you've played against. So, I prepared this for you. A mini volleyball tournament!" Kenma explains.

Hinata smiles as bright as the sun and replies, "you're amazing Kenma!!"

"The losing team has to buy icecream for everyone, so all the wishes you told me can come true,"

"Kenma...." replies Hinata with tears in his eyes. "I'm so happy (sob) that I've had (sob) you as a friend (sob),"

"D-don't cry Shoyo..!"

"I-I'm n-not cry-crying!!"

"I can see the tears in your eyes boke!" Kageyama yells at him with tears streaming down his face.

"Group hug everybody!!!" someone yells as more people start crying.

The crying intensifies, but soon the tears slowly come to a stop and laughter is spread amongst the teams.

Near Nekoma....

"I heard (panting) that he was (panting) seen here last (panting)" made out a mysterious figure while looking around.

The person was out of breath and looked ready to collapse.

"I need (panting) to get him (panting) to the hospital..."

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