No Escape - Jin

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A small bench sit tightly against the cold window with cushions laying on top and a blanket tossed over the side. The edge of the blanket sweeps lightly along the floor as a cool night breeze makes its way into the room through a small crack in the window.

Water droplets follow the draft of air through the window and splatter onto the white-painted wood window sill. Eventually, a puddle formed and made its way down the withering paint of the wall.

Lightning strikes from across the city, the sound of thunder trailing behind the flash of light, barely shaking the wooden frame of the house.

I rest on the bench, holding my knees up to my chest with a shard of glass twirling between the shredded tips of my fingers. My eyes remain stuck on the reflective surface of the glass, watching the flashes of lightning through the cracks of the once placid surface.

"Be careful with that," a voice echoes.

"Don't cut yourself, darling."

"Maybe you should. Drive it into your skin."

"Do it. It won't hurt."

"We won't let you feel pain."

An eerie silence falls upon the dimly lit room, only the voices can be heard in the emptiness.

"Stop it," I mumble, bring my hands up to my head with the shard still in my fingers. "Just, stop."

"Drive it into your skin."

"Do it. It won't hurt."

Again and again, the words repeated.


"Go away," I cry into the room. "Leave e alone!"

Every word became louder, drowning out the heavy rain beginning to pour down over the city.

"Do it."

Suddenly, the voices cut out. Not even a whisper can be heard among the pouring rain beating against the window.

I lift my head from the comfort of my knees, staring at the sky through the piece of glass. I lift it up to eye-level, admiring its sharp edges and points. I close my eyes as I ease the piece towards my forearm, wincing as the sharp edge begins to dig into my skin.

A hand suddenly grasps my wrist, yanking away the glass and making it drop towards the hardwood floor to shatter into a million pieces. The sound of shattering glass jerks my eyes open to see a tall figure standing before me, his hand still tightly gripping my wrist.

"W-what are you doing here?" I studder as his hand releases my trembling arms. Without saying a word, he makes his way to the opposite end of the bench and mimics the position I am in.

His chest expands as he draws in a heavy breath. His dark chocolate eyes travel around the room, examining every dark corner, every bit of chipped paint along the walls, the pile of glass beside me, and finally the blood dripping from the slit across my arm.

"Does it hurt?" he asks quietly. I twist my arm around, waiting for a spike of pain to erupt from the gash, but nothing.

"N-no, it doesn't," I look at the cut, then up at his eyes. He doesn't blink, he doesn't move.

"There's no escape," he mumbles. He stands and makes his way over to where the pile of glass scattered along the floor.

"You're a fool," another voice echoes.




I close my eyes, reaching for his hand in the ocean of voices suddenly filling the silence of the room. "Make them leave me alone. Please," I quietly beg.

"You've just dragged yourself into a nightmare you can't escape, darling."

· · ·

Author's Note
So... This has been sitting here as a draft for a while.
I'm reallllllyyyy sorry for being dead for the past... I don't even know.
But! I've started working on something, and to be honest, I can't even get through the beginning portion of it, but I'm pushing at it.
Since I just decided to read this, I thought I'd post it since I suck at updating?
Anyway, here you go.
I'll see how soon I can get my next book out, if at all...
Love you guys 😙

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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