Daydream - Jungkook

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"Got you!" I exclaim as my hands collide with his shoulders, pushing him down to the ground and landing on top of him. His eyes stare up at me in shock. "What? Didn't think I can find you so easily?" I smile and roll off into the grass next to him.

I lay on my back and stare up at the sky in satisfaction, until I massive pile of leaves are thrown at my face. A laugh escapes Jungkook's lips.

"Didn't see that coming did you," he leans back on his hands and stares at me with his bunny smile as I struggle to get the little bits of leaf out of my hair.

"Very funny," I say while pulling a leaf out of my hair. My hands roam the ground and pick up a handful of leaves. With his eyes still on me, I toss the leaves back at him.

"You shouldn't have done that," he says, reaching for more leaves.

"Uh oh," I murmer. He gets up and starts chasing me around the park. "Jungkook!" I scream.

I dart around trees, trying to lose Jungkook who stays glued on my tail.

He disappears from my view. I make one more turn around a tree,  instantly colliding into his firm chest.

I look up and see his warm smile looking down at me. "Aww man," I pout. He places a leaf on my nose and I giggle.

A smirk spreads across his face. He quickly grabs my waist and slings me over his shoulder. I tiredly laugh as he walks down the path with my squirming on his shoulder.

The only thing I hear is distant laughter.

· · ·

I blankly stare at the ground, picking up little bits of leaf from the grass and crunching them in my hands.

A cold breeze brushes past my hair, snapping me out of my daydream. I sigh. He isn't coming back.

I stand up underneath the familiar tree and slowly make my way down the dimmly lit path back home.

Images of me and Jungkook flash before my eyes; I see me and him laughing as we walk down the path.

Those images fade, and our bikes fly past me, us riding down the path hand in hand.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around myself as a walk.

I suddenly collide into someones chest. "I'm sorry," I say quickly, avoiding eye contact.

I step to the side to continue walking, but stop when I hear a familiar voice saying,"It's okay." My eyes become watery. "It's been a while y/n."

"Why are you here?" I ask without lifting my watery eyes from the ground.

"I missed you."

"How can you miss me? You're the one that left."

"And it was a mistake I regret." I scoff.

"Just go back to living without me,"  I finish. I continue walking down the path, leaving him behind me as I approach the busy street.

I stop at the light, waiting for the sign to allow me to cross the street.

I step forward, and get yanked back by the wrist into his chest. "Please. Let me fix this. I don't want to lose you," says Jungkook. I put my hand against his chest, feeling his heart beat quickly. His embrace is warm. I've missed this.

"No, Jungkook. I don't want to be hurt again. Especially by you," I break from his grasp and look up at his pain-filled eyes. "Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you anymore. Goodbye, Jungkook." I cross the street, not looking back at the man that hurt me.

Cars fill the cross walk, blocking him from getting to me.

Even though he hurt me, I will never forget the moments we've had together.

· · ·

Yea, this one is bad but it was the only thing in my head at the moment. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed! Next chapter is coming soon. 💕

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