Migraines - Taehyung

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^ Credit to the owner for the amazing fan art ^

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It hurts. The pain that constantly erupts in your head. Nothing on this planet could describe it.

Doctors are always prescribing new pills for the headaches, and sudden spikes of pain, but nothing seems to help.

The only thing that you're holding onto is Taehyung, your boyfriend, the person that is by your side 24/7. He was the thing that made you strong.

• • •

You take the last few pills in the bottle, and chuck it into the trash can where bandages pile up from you beating the hell out of the walls when the pain strikes. "Why am I like this?" you say to yourself while staring at your tired face in the mirror.

Taehyung comes into the bathroom and gives you a tight back hug. "How are you feeling (y/n)?" He asks softly.

"The same as usual. And the pills are so useless," You say with your head leaning back in his shoulder.

"You'll get better soon. I know it!" He plants a kiss on your cheek and carries you to the bed bridal-style. "Get some sleep Jagi~," He says holding you close to his chest. "You need it." You curl your legs up and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight Taetae," You say.

You bolt straight up as the pain suddenly feels worse than ever. You grip your hair, letting out loud screams into the cold room, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"(Y/N)!!" He screams in panic. His hands reach for your face, but you pull away at the touch that seems to trigger more pain.

"IT HURTS!!" You scream between your gasps for air. There is a sudden pinch in your legs, and you slowly open your teary eyes to see Taehyung pulling out a needle.

Your body becomes weak, your migraine calming down. "Thank... you..." You manage to say as everything fades around you. He holds your head to his chest, and runs his fingers through your hair.

"Stay strong for me (Y/N)..."

• • •

This has been going on for too long.

How am I still alive?

I don't know anymore...

• • •

The pain has grown to much for you to handle, sometimes not even allowing you to breathe.

• • •

The point of the knife presses against your skin, and all it needs is a little push to break through. Your hand hovers, just waiting to push the knife in, but then Taehyung comes bursting through the door, yanking it out of your hands. "What are you doing!!" He screams at you with his hands tightly grabbing yours.

"I can't take this anymore!" You scream back. "You don't how it feels!"

"You need to stop this (Y/N)! This is the 6th time! I don't want to lose you!"

"You're gonna lose me sooner or later! This pain is gonna crack me. It's. Too. Much!"

"You are strong (Y/N)! You can fight this!"

"I was strong, Taehyung, but not anymore." Taehyung quickly catches you as your legs give out from the small pulse of pain. He kisses your head, and holds you. "I can't take this anymore," you whimper.

"Please... just... hold on for me (y/n)."

• • •

~1 Month Later~

It's only been a month, and you've last count of how many times a knife stays pressed against your chest, and Taehyung ripping out of your hands.

"You have to stop!" He yells, holding your hands tight.

"Taehyung, you don't get it! I can't do this anymore! I don't want to suffer from this anymore!" You yell back.

"And you think a knife will solve this?!"

"Well how else am I supposed to end the pain? There's nothing here for me." Silence.

"I-I just don't want to lose you," he says, his head hanging low, and tears falling into the carpet. You walk over and wrap your arms around him.

"I'm sorry Tae, but I don't want to suffer anymore." He looks into your eyes with tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"I don't want you to end your own life," he suddenly says with a low and steady voice. You were confused. "I'll do it for you. If this is your wish, I want to be the one to give it to you." You gasp and hold him tight. You don't know what to say.


You both walk to the forest. His hand holding yours tight, and you following behind him. He lets go, and turns to face you.

His warm hands cup your face, slowly beinging it closer to his. "I'll miss you," he says quietly. His lips press into yours, and his hands move from your face, to your shoulders, then holds your waist. He was remembering all of your curves before letting you go.

One hand holds your chin while the other goes to his jeans, and pulls out a pistol. Without breaking the kiss, he presses it against your chest.

"I'm sorry," he says, pulling away and extending his arm. You open your eyes and see tears pouring down his face.

He takes a step back, violently wiping his tears away. You close your eyes tight, feeling a tear fall down your face.

"I love you, Tae-" a loud BANG echoes through the forest, cutting you off.

You fall into his arms, feeling the blood drain from your chest. "I love... you..." you choke out with your last breath, reaching up to his soft face, then your arm crashes to the ground.

"I'm sorry (y/n)..."

° ° °

Edit- Thank you so much for over 100 reads on this chapter!!

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