Chapter 1: Yo

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The sky is slowly getting darker by the minute. I have been walking for hours, and my feet were hating me for trying to keep going. My duffle bag around my shoulder made my weight heavier than normal. My walking becomes more and more staggered with every passing minute. My destination isn't too much further away. I don't want to become a burden but I don't know where else to go.

I pause for a moment, looking down at the neighborhood street. I see a bunch of suspicious looking men crowded in front of a corner supermarket; a block away. They were all dressed in dark colors, some with tattoos along their biceps.

Great, now gangsters!! They don't look like underground mafia. Just lowly street punks from the looks of them. But I still would rather avoid any unnecessary squabbles with them.

I look around and notice that there isn't many other people around. Well I guess I have to pause here for a moment and hope they don't see me. I squat down on the sidewalk and look up to the sky, thinking through the turn of events that lead me here. Tears start rolling down my cheek without my permission.

"Well I'm in deep shit!" I give out a snort at the irony of it all. I would have really appreciated a warning this time. My arms fall behind my head and I look back down at the floor.

Well I really did it this time. I had such high hopes for this school year too.

I mean it was my last year of high school, besides the fear of not graduating there shouldn't be any other worries. School life was peaceful for the most part and my grades were pretty solid. By solid, I mean I was passing. I actually managed to get through all my classes without falling asleep from reading all night. What? I had priorities too, and one was to keep updated on all the new chapters of my favorite manga. I also got my grades high enough to get into a good university next year. Something I was especially proud of, my grandma put all her hopes in me making something of myself and not turning out like my mother.

My grandmother past away early of last school year. She was very beautiful older woman with black hair with streaks of white flowing through it. She was a bit on the short side, which explains mine and my moms struggle with height. She started becoming more and more sickly. Her wrinkles and pale skin became more evident close to her death. By now my heart was finally done with the grieving for her. It still hurt to think about. I've lived with my mother and grandmother my entire life. And with my mother gone most days, either working or at the clubs, I took care of my grandmother most of the time. No one else was around to help.

My grandfather died when I was a small child, I don't have any memories of him but there are a few pictures around our house that shows him carrying me in his arms. My mother had no siblings and we didn't have any relations with any other family members.

My father, well I have no idea who he is. I honestly don't think anyone knows. My mother came to my grandparent's house with me in her arms, with no money to her name. She had been away for college for two years in Bangkok, and they hadn't heard from her since she arrived there. To their surprise they found out that she dropped out of college a year ago, and spent most of her time partying and staying the night with different guys.

When asked who my father was, she always found a way to get out of the question. She had lost favor with her land lord, due to past due amounts on rent payments, and had nowhere left to go. My grandparents of course took her in. But she didn't get a freehand in this deal. She was had to work. Much to her dismay they didn't allow any handouts to her.

However, the minute they looked at me they instantly fell in love with me. They couldn't believe a baby can be that beautiful and with such light skin. And I quote, "You're eyes widened the moment you set your eyes on your grandfather and I. You were so beautiful and your lips curled into a pure angelic smile. I knew from that moment I would never win against you." She would tell me this every time I gave my grandmother my famous pout. And just like she said she would give in to my whims. Losing her was the hardest, most painful thing I have ever had to endure.

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