Chapter 26: Pha

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I'm annoyed as hell. Why is that, you may ask? It makes no possible sense. I should be thrilled and having a great time with the boy of my dreams, literally speaking because he often shows up when I close my eyes, but no I'm not.

It has nothing to do with the adorable little guy who keeps smiling at me apologetically. No, baby its not you. I love being with you. It's the conniving woman beside you that has subjected me to this nightmare. While she clings to you like a monkey, refusing to let go.

I thought it was just bad luck at first. I have never been surrounded by this many girls in the mall before. If I was I would have never chosen this place in the first place. I wanted to spend this time with Yo, not with him yards away looking at me with those sad eyes. Why was this happening to me? It wasn't till one of the girls mentioned a post about me allowing girls to take pictures with me was posted on my fan page. (I forgot I even had one of those.) I quickly took out my phone and sure enough Yiwah posted a picture of me taking pictures with the first girl that had asked me for a photo. I thought nothing of it at the time, but apparently now all of the followers of the page know that I'm at the mall. And that 'I'm willing to take pictures with them.' This has hardly ever been the case since I'm always busy with my studies and often politely decline their requests.

I look over a Yiwah and she's smirking at me with this evil glint in her eyes. Am I over exaggerating a bit, maybe? I don't care, but she is surely enjoying my misery and sticking a little too close to Yo for my liking. She's his friend. She's Yo's friend. You can't yell at a woman. Just calm down, and make it through today.

I know for a fact that she doesn't like Yo in that way, but from her indication in the car earlier I have a very formidable rival. That just so happens to be her brother. I will deal with that when it comes. I just have to keep my cool and not let this get to me.

I just kept hoping I would get a moment alone with him. It was easier said than done. We kept going from store to store. Same scene playing over and over again. And it wasn't just in the stores. I got stopped between them as well. They are walking a few feet ahead looking through the clothing while I am trying desperately trying to ditch the crowd of girls. (And a few guys.) One of the girls ask me a question that disturbs my attention from the two. "Is it true that you are dating P'Pring?"

"What? No." I tell her, and all the girls start to giggle. What the hell is funny?

"You don't have to deny it P'." "We know you spent most of the break together." "You guys look sooo good together." "Aww, but that makes me sad." "P'Pha belongs to all of us."

They all start ganging up on me with comments about the competition and Pring. I keep denying it, but they don't seem to believe me. Whatever... I don't care what they think. The only person that I wish to date is the kind and adorable Nong that has recently filled my life with so much radiance and warmth. Ahh if only I was-!

When I look up they are nowhere in my line of sight. Where did they go?! Alarms start to ring in my head. Shit. I can't lose them.

I frantically look through the nearby stores pushing past all the squealing girls. When I finally see the back of his adorable head in one of the stores relief surges through me. Found him. And he's alone, yes!

I look around for Yiwah, but she must have went deeper into the store. I run to his side as fast as I could hoping to get a few minutes alone with him before she gets back.

"Are you ok Pha?" He ask me.

"Yea. I was searching for you guys. I didn't know what store you entered."

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