Chapter 30 - Ice cream

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Ethan and I were taking Mike out for the day. We planned to go to the park and get ice cream. We were picking him up soon. We hadn't talked since the night we had dinner together. I tried calling but he never wanted to talk.

We pulled up our driveway and Mike walked out with his hands stuffed in his pockets. I see my mom stand on the porch as she waved goodbye. Mike, jumped in the back. I turn around and I flash him a smile.

"Good to see you buddy."

"Whys he here?" He asks.

Ethan smirks a little and turns back. "Didn't miss me huh?"

"Not at all." Mike smirks back. "Now take me to get ice cream."

Ethan looked back at me and I shake my head. We leave off to the park and I knew this whole day would be completely awkward.

Ethan's P.O.V

"I guess I'll get the ice cream." Kendall smiles. "You two... Talk."

Kendall walks away and toward the ice cream truck. I look at Mike who swung back and forth on the swings.

"I don't know why she brings me here now. I'm not 7 years old anymore."

"She used to bring you here huh?"

"Yeah. A lot until you came into her life."

"Mike, I'm here for good." I sigh. "I won't hurt your sister."

Mike laughs. "I may only be 13. But I can still kill you."

"Yes, I believe that you could." I chuckle.

We hear little chuckles from behind us. Mike stops swinging and he turns around. They were two boys, around about Mike's age. The two boys were whispering and laughing. Which causes Mike turn back around.

"Lets go home." He mutters.

"Who are they Mike?"

"Nobody. Just take me home." He whispers.

He gets off the swing and walks pass the boys who were laughing.

"Hey Mike, why so sad? Mommy didn't buy you the right diamonds this week?"

Mike ignores them and keeps walking with his head down. I walk after him and I place my hand on his shoulder but he pushes it off.

"Leave me alone. I'll walk home by myself."

"Are they bullying you?"

"Jesus Christ, you're not my brother. I don't need you looking out for me."

"I'm just trying to help-"

"If you want to help, divorce Kendall so you she can come back home."

Kendall's P.O.V

I walk grab the ice cream and I look at the swigs to see that Ethan and Mike were gone. I roll my eyes and I walk around the park trying to find them. I then see Ethan sitting at a park bench by himself. I walk over with a frown and Ethan stands up as he sees me.

"Where did Mike go?" I ask.

Ethan scratched his lips and pointed the way home. "Talking didn't go so well."

"What happened?"

"Did you know that Mike gets bullied?"

I frown. "He told us it was better now. Why?"

Ethan shook his head as he grabbed the ice cream off me and grabbed my hand. "Lets go home." 

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