Episode 6: The New Beginning

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Reaching Mossca she was whisked off to the castle where she was rushed to a room to clean up after her long journey. It took them longer than planned to reach the castle city as one of the horses had to be switched out along the way.

"You have such lovely hair, young miss." A maid said.

"Oh, thank you. My mother would always brush it for me and make sure to rub it with a herb mixture after every wash." Loraz said.

"She did a wonderful job on it, miss."

"Umm, I don't mean to be rude, but do you all have to be present while I wash, Miss..."

"Oh, I do apologize, my name is Yila. I will be tending to your needs as of today. We must get you ready to meet with the king after this, miss. It is very important to make sure the king's special guest is presentable."


"Yes, the king of Mossca, miss, His Majesty, King Fedrick."

Loraz sunk into the water a bit covering her face up to her eye. She pulled her foot away from a different maid and both her hands from two others.

"Miss, we have to finish, please come back up," Yila said.

Loraz was confused as to why she had to meet with the king and what would happen to her after she saw the king. They dressed her in a beautiful yellow gown with gold-colored trim, combed her hair styling it beautifully with braids, and pulled it up in a bun. She was then escorted to a room with many chairs around a rather long oddly shaped table.

"His Majesty will be with you shortly, miss," Yila said.

"My name is Loraz," Loraz said.

Yila smiled and then bowed.

"Yes, Miss Loraz." She said and closed the door as she exited the room.

Loraz marveled at the expensive walls decorated with massive portraits of who she assumed to be the royal family. She looked over the elegant chairs and the wood table that seemed to be polished with extreme care then walked over to one of the many large windows that seemed to overlook the entire northern side of the kingdom.

"It's beautiful is it not?"

Loraz screamed and jumped at the sound of the deep voice that appeared from nowhere. Having not heard anyone enter the room she spun around quickly and clutched at her chest. Standing behind her was a gentle-looking young man in his thirties and she stared a bit while she tried to slow her breathing by taking a few deep breaths. His salt and pepper hair framed his face nicely and his gray eyes smiled at her. He wasn't very tall for a man, and she was a little puzzled as to who he might be; she didn't see him in any of the portraits that hung on the walls in the room.

"Yes, it is breathtaking...the view that is..."

"Did I startle you? I didn't mean to. This view is one of my favorites, you see. To be completely honest, I'd rather have this room as my private sanctuary than for it to be used as a meeting room."

She looked back out the window and nodded. It was pretty how the sky and land met each other on the horizon. The ocean of trees dancing as the wind blew past brought a smile to her face and she reached her hand and placed it gently on the glass.

"If I woke up to a view such as this every morning it would be wonderful."

The gentleman walked up beside her, and they both stood there staring off into the sunset and both became lost in their thoughts.

"So, if I am correct you are Loraz?"

"Yes, that is my name. How did you know?"

"You remind me of a close...friend; you have her eyes, you see."

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