Episode 22: The Declaration

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She paced back and forth behind a curtain and listened to Madim's speech. Her hands were moist, and she could feel her pulse racing. Short of breath, she kept reminding herself that it was the only way to get her plan moving forward. It was bound to happen eventually, and she couldn't keep putting it off. Today she would do it and today she would show just how fearless she was and make a stand, not for herself, but for the thousands of people that prayed for a miracle every second of every day in her kingdom.

A sudden burst of thunderous clapping was then heard from the other side of the curtain, and she inhaled deeply as she walked towards it slowly. She felt her knees become weak and paused to stabilize herself. Eyes closed she waited to hear her name and then felt a warmth covering her hand. She snapped her eyes open and saw Vestin standing beside her holding her hand in his.

No words were exchanged between the two, just a smile and firm press on her hand and she nodded her head as she heard Madim's voice call out her name. She released her hand from Vestin then walked up to the center of the vail, pushed her hand through and disappeared to the other side.

She stared at the large crowd seated before her. The lights were bright and focused directly on her as she made her way to Madim. She spotted several broadcasting crystals floating about the room and suddenly felt the eyes of the whole world watching her. Her face hiding her anxiousness she curtsied to Madim and turned to face the audience.

A small yellow gem the size of a ball floated in front of her mouth, and she cleared her throat. Hearing it echo throughout the room she looked upon the faces of everyone as they waited to hear what she had to say.

"Hello, citizens of Ay Su, Mossca, Serenity...Zanooma. I have a secret to share with you. A confidential matter that I can no longer keep to myself. I ask that once this classified information is shared that you all show mercy on those involved. For the culprit is but only one person and the victims involved are many."

The voices of soft murmurs filled the room and she waited for them to die down.

"My reasons for sharing this concealed knowledge now after holding it for so long are many, but the main reason is I can no longer stand to see people get hurt on my behalf..."

She paused as she thought of her village, her parents, and the mother who raised her. Her eyes began to tear, and she quickly blinked them away.

"You all know me as Loraz Zonnori Dontick, Princess of Mossca. I am here today to inform you that I am not of any relation to the king or the royal family of Mossca, but I do hold the blood of royalty within my veins."

The audience boomed in an uproar and gasps could be heard throughout the room. Loraz stood quietly as they all turned to each other in shock and waited for them to calm down. She looked over at Robert who sat in the front row and smiled awkwardly at him. He nodded his head and smiled back at her.

Broadcasting crystals suddenly hovered in closer to her and she stared into one directly. She closed her eyes for a bit and remembered the mother who raised her and felt an overwhelming sense of safety shrouding her like a blanket. Her eyes popped opened, and she continued her announcement,

"Dear sweet citizens of Serenity, I stand here to announce that your prayers have been answered and the hell that you have been living the past years will soon come to an end. The corruption that plagues the royal palace and family will come to an end very soon and I promise you better days will come to you all. I only ask that you understand that it may take some time to give you what is being promised to you today. The one thing that I can guarantee to you today and always is that I will always be the daughter to the late King Aybal and Queen Centray, Loraz Zonnori Geryous, the lost Princess of Serenity and rightful heir to the throne."

Stunned by the words they just heard the audience started and waited for her to finish. The Consul who represented Serenity sat forward in his seat and studied Loraz's appearance.

Loraz then frowned her brow and clenched her fist tightly. She thought about the person who was truly behind everything and her frustrations an urge for vengeance flooded over. Her eyes looked cold as she stared off into the crystals. A tear trailed down her cheek as she fought the urge to yell her last message to the culprit of everything.

"My last statement before I leave you tonight is to the one who holds the throne now. You have been seeking me out for years and I have patiently waited in the shadows for the right moment to step forward. I only have one thing to say to you and that is you've come after the wrong princess. I will not cower behind my guards and wait for you to attack me, and I do not plan to run away and hide. You've taken far too much from me and when we meet in person, which we shall one day, I hope you beg for mercy for your damned soul. Because I will help you feel the same pain that you have inflicted on my people for so long. Mark my words I'm coming to set my people free from you and your head will roll for the crimes you have committed against the royal family."

She then looked around the room and saw the shock upon everyone's face. An elderly man shot up from his seat and began clapping. The others slowly joined until the whole room was full of a wave of clapping and murmuring.

She bowed to the audience then walked over to Madim who congratulated her for making her first speech as the princess of Serenity.

The Consul for Serenity watched her and sat back in his chair then whispered to himself,

"So, we've finally found our savior...and she just declared her first war...way to make an entrance, Your Grace..."

He chuckled a bit and thenmade his way over to her to introduce himself.

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