Episode 9: The Young Leader

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Vestin walked outside the cave entrance and stared at the moons as they shined and lit the purple skies. He took in a few deep breaths as he stood there and watched the night take on a life unknown to most. Scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary he placed his hand on the hilt of his blade.

"Boy, what are you doing just standing there?"

He turned around and saw Gotte standing with sword in hand. His face held a frown, and he screwed his brows.

"I was just taking a break. Plus, it just seemed a bit too still tonight, so I was making sure there was nothing out of the norm. I was also wondering if Loraz can see the same sky as me right now."

Gotte tossed a bag of arrows at him, and he caught them.

"Of course, she can. She only went to a different kingdom, not off to visit other stars. Now get your head back into your training or do you wish for more punishment training instead?"

Vestin chuckled and walked over to his bow taking it in his hands he pulled back slightly on the drawstring.

"What's the difference? Either way, I have to train."

Gotte tied his sword to his belt and sighed as Vestin continued to practice his stance with his bow.

"By the way, we have news from the castle in Mossca..."

Vestin snapped his head back and looked Gotte in the eyes, lowering the bow to his side as he walked closer to Gotte.

"What is the news?"

Vestin's eyes were flaming with fighting spirit. Gotte took a step back and shook his head.

"So serious boy, if you trained with just as much spirit, you could be better than you are now. Your head is full of nothing but the princess."

Vestin smirked at him and pulled the bow out. He drew an arrow from his quiver and placed it on the bowstring and pulled back aiming for a target behind Gotte's head.

"Tete, you know I have mastered pretty much everything that you guys have thrown at me, right?"

Gotte sighed and placed his hand over his face wiping away the frustration that built then looked Vestin in the eyes while shaking his head his eyes narrowed.

"Stop calling me Tete, the name is Gotte...how many times must I repeat this?"

Vestin rolled his eyes and released the arrow which flew past Gotte's head and hit the target.

"Okay, okay...just tell me the news. What have you heard? Is Loraz alright?"

Gotte looked back and saw the arrow hit the mark perfectly.

"Well of course she is...now."

Vestin rushed up to Gotte and pulled him towards him.

"What do you mean by that?"

Gotte pulled away from him and inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes and whispered something to himself. He then walked to a rock on the opposite side of the entrance and looked up at the wall.

Vestin waited for him to say something. Tightly clutching his fist with each passing second.

"It seems that she has taken on the life of the king's bastard daughter and that there are many who wish to see her disappear because of this."

"So, she is being targeted by more people now? I thought you guys said she would be safe there. Dammit, I have to go to her now because she needs my help."

Vestin started walking towards the rest of his gear and Gotte walked up and gently pressed on his chest to stop him in his tracks.

"Calm down, you sack of hormones."

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