Episode 10: To Ay Su

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She opened her eyes with a snap and looked around, finding that she was laid out on a bench under a Gazon tree. Its long swaying streams of purple leaves and white flowers served as some sort of curtain for her as she laid there. She looked around as she lifted herself to rest on her elbow and could hear voices on the other side of the curtain behind her.

"Can I go now? I have much to do before next week."

"Yes, yes, you are dismissed, but I will need to discuss this matter later on with you."

She closed her eyes slowly as she tried to figure out who was there and if they were friends or foes. Squeezing her eyes tightly she blinked away the fatigue and took a deep breath then released it.

"So, you finally woke up."

She jumped up a bit and looked over her shoulder to see that the king was walking into the little space under the tree and a servant was standing right outside the curtain of leaves.

The king walked closer to her as she sat up and fixed her clothes. He sat beside her on the bench and took her hand. She had grown into such a beauty and yet she was riddled with nothing but misfortune.

"What happened?"

The king pressed gently on her hand and then smiled.

"It seems you have not been sleeping well as of late. Luckily, I happened to be walking in your direction when I saw you faint. I asked someone to bring you here and watch over you while you sleep."

"Oh my, I am truly sorry to have troubled you, your majesty-I mean father."

King Fedrick chuckled and patted her hand and shook his head.

"We are alone now, child, no need to call me father if it makes you uncomfortable."

Loraz's eyes widened, and she shook her head.

"I do not feel uncomfortable calling you father, it is because of you that I have been safe the last few years."

"Can you call what you have been going through safe, child?"

"Yes, if not for you I would not be here. Also, you are the only father figure I have had in my whole life since mother couldn't even take in a husband due to her illness."

"I have done nothing more than I promised to your parents."

She sat there smiling and looked over at him, four years ago she held this very same hand as she faced her first taste of death approaching her bedside. His hair was almost white now and his face began to wrinkle a bit, but his eyes still held the calm look of a wise man. Every time she was in trouble he rushed to her aid and made sure she came out okay. He took the role of father to a whole new level in her eyes. The smile across her face grew bigger and she placed her head on his shoulder and then began to tear. It was only while with King Fedrick that she could show moments of weakness.

King Fedrick sighed and looked up at the tree which gave them shade and a place to rest peacefully.

"You remind me of this tree."

She chuckled and sobbed at the same time.

"Really and how do I remind you of a tree, father."

He looked at the tree's leaves and then at its flowers. The white petals bloomed all year round. Beautiful in every way and a sight to see when the petals fell loose and blew in the wind.

"This tree is the most stubborn species of tree I've ever seen. It will keep blooming no matter the weather or conditions. It fights so hard to keep its beautiful flowers and forgets that sometimes rest is required to maintain a healthy life."

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