Chapter 1 - News

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Thing to remember in this chapter:

(y/n) - Your name {putting this just in case but I don't think there's a need TT^TT



You were in the living room waiting for your dearest husband to return from his job and you were smiling very brightly at the news that you are going to tell him soon. You then heard the door opened and you immediately ran out of the living room to meet him. You saw you beloved red headed emperor and welcomed him back home which caught him by surprised. "What are you doing awake (y/n)? I will need to punish you later" Akashi stated as he walked up to you and brought you into a hug and placed a loving kiss on your cheek which you giggled. "Waiting for you my emperor" You replied and he just shook his head lightly. The both of you headed to the dining room to have dinner together that you both missed, you who was waiting for him and he was because lots of work to do and wants to finish them before the weekend so he can spend that time with you instead of being in the office. After dinner the both of you headed to your shared room and Akashi went to take a shower since you already finished showering way before him. He returned to the room with a towel on his head as he rubbed his hair dry, he noticed your silhouette on the bed and was looking at something in which he tilted his head in confusion.

"What you hiding love?" He asked as he hugged you from behind which surprised you a bit and you smiled at him lovingly. "Nothing much Sei... it's just..." You trailed off at the end, you couldn't believe how afraid you were to tell him and he looked at you and then at the hidden paper behind your back as you faced him and then looked at your stomach and his mouth curved upwards and placed a kiss on your forehead, "I'm glad to know love" You flinched and looked at him and then lightly slapped his chest. "I didn't say anything," You said.

"There's no need to say because you know I am absolute and I know everything," He said and you laughed at his statement and he pulled you down to bed and placed butterfly kisses on your stomach that has yet to show signs of pregnancy.



You and Aomine were shopping in a shopping mall and you spotted a store that sells baby products, you were about to call out to Aomine but noticed that your husband has disappeared already. You sighed and was debating whether to go into the shop or look for your husband, you shrugged the idea of looking for your husband since there was no need so you walked into the store and looked around and observing some products that caught your eyes.

Aomine kept walking and suddenly felt hungry and turned to his right to suggest that the two of you return home and make him something to eat for lunch. But once he turned around and noticed that you were not beside, he started to panic as he started to run around almost the entire shopping mall just to find you.

As he was running he bumped into his childhood friend Momoi Satsuki. "Dai-chan! What's the rush?" She asked as she stood up and pouted at him, Aomine looked at her and then asked in a panic "Have you seen (y/n)?!"

"(y/n)-chan? Hrmmm... now that you mentioned it I saw her at a baby store" Momoi replied, Aomine thanked her and left in a hurry and Momoi was calling out to him since she didn't say which floor or which store but Aomine was already long out of earshot.

He ran around and asked around about any baby stores in the mall and hurriedly made his way to the directions that some people have told him. He went to 3 stores but he didn't see you in any of them, he was sweating a lot and as he made a turn he saw you in another store and he stormed in.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled out in the store which frightened most of the other customers and the cashiers in the store stopped what they were doing and looked up to see a fuming Aomine. You turned your head and you smiled, "Ah! Dai~" You called out happily he stomped his way up to you and crossed his arms over his chest and glared at you. You held a blue onesie and a pink onesie and showed it to him "Which one do you think will suit our child?" You asked. His anger immediately disappeared and looked at you with a dumbfounded look "Our child?" He asked, you nodded with a smile and then continued to look around. He sighed but smiled at the sight of you smiling and looking at baby products happily, he then joined you and you often asked him for the suggestion that he would either give you an answer seriously or playfully.

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