Chapter 5 - First Words

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Things to remember for this chapter:

(y/n) - your name

(s/n) - son's name

(d/n) - daughter's name

(h/c) - hair colour

(e/c) - eye colour



You were in sitting on a couch in Akashi's office with (s/n) sitting on your lap with a smile. (s/n) loves Akashi the most and at times would refuse to let go of Akashi in the morning and this is one of those times that Akashi has decided to bring the two of you over. You used to work over here as his secretary but ever since your pregnancy Akashi has made you quit and Mayuzumi-senpai was then chosen as Akashi's secretary right after he has forced you to quit. "(s/n) say 'mama'" You said to (s/n) who tilted his head as he looked at you in confusion.

"ma-ma" You said slowly but (s/n) ignores you as he continues to play with the lion plush that you brought over. Akashi then walked in, behind him was Mayuzumi and a client with a brown hair and blue eyes, you could feel a dark aura around Akashi as he walked to his desk.

Mayuzumi stood beside him as Akashi took a seat and the man was standing before him fidgeting a bit. "I said no and that's final" Akashi said to him as he glared up at the man. 

The man flinched and stuttered "P-P-Please... Akashi-sama, p-please reconsider it"

Akashi had enough and slammed his hands on the table as he stood up angrily "I already said no! Are you defying me!?" Akashi asks as his left eye starts to turn gold. You mentally sighed knowing that the emperor is coming out now. 

"Don't forget that I'm absolute and can destroy your company in a second" The man nodded nervously and bowed quickly and made his way to the door. Akashi slumped back onto his chair and sighed with his eyes closed, "Chihiro get me a cup of coffee" Akashi ordered and Mayuzumi nodded and left the office. 

"What's with you?" You asked, Akashi opened his eyes and looked at you and gave you a tired smile.

"Whatever do you mean love?" He asked as he got up and sat next to you, once he sat down (s/n) immediately raised his little arms towards him and Akashi chuckled as he took him in his arms.

"You still using your absolute card?" You asked with a grin, Akashi glanced at you and smirked. "Of course, they don't understand the meaning of 'no' and besides they can't defy me, after all, I am always absolute" He said proudly as he placed one of his hand on his chest.

"Absouwte" a voice called out and the both of you blinked and looked at (s/n) who giggled.

"I'm absouwte" he said at that time Mayuzumi opened the door and heard it as he looked at (s/n) with a bewildered look, your mouth hanging open at what he said while Akashi smiled proudly. "Yes (s/n), the both of us are absolute" He said as he ruffled his red locks.



"Damn it!" A red-haired yelled out as he glared at your husband. Your husband grinned and asked him "Do you give up Kagami?"

Kagami looked at him and yelled "No ways!"

Aomine scoffed and mumbled under his breath "Figured" and he positioned himself as he and Kagami played another round of basketball. Your son was in his baby cart and was watching Aomine and Kagami played against each other and was giggling and clapping no matter who has scored a score. You came back with a bag of drinks along with Kuroko and Nigou you bumped into as you were buying drinks for your husband and Kagami. You and Kuroko went up to (s/n) who smiled brightly at the sight of you and raised his arms asking you to pick him up in which you did, you turned around and saw that this time it was your husband who lost to Kagami who was jumping in joy. 

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